Flanky doo? Yeah.

I even preheated the skillet


The thing was one step under glowing.....hahaha


About to make some flank steak Sammies in a little bit. Ohh boy.
Howdy folks :toke: sorry for the absence…hope everyone is well:pass: here are a few of my latest creations….stay tuned later for a pic of my Mexican Mocha pulled pork sandwich…..back to you @Dr.Bubbles:pass:
You da man Franklin. I was just telling the sexy nurse with the dreds that you were a classically trained chef with some gorgeous looking plates...just earlier today actually, like an hour before I sent you that texty wafer. Haha. Life comes in threes lads, remember that.

Speaking of threes, I just made threes sammahcjes. Jehzaz fakkin tchrist. Havva lookey ghaud damnd


I think we might go out for dinn this evens. China maybe? A quick road trip to Asia for a snack. Or we might go to the place down the road. Depends on traffic. Which way is the best? I was thinking I-90 should get me up to Seattle and then we'll just keep going straight off the cliff and take the shortcut. Anyone know a better way?

Speaking of threes again, things that should not come in thres is this:

Boogie Dunn & Seven Hundred have been getting a little too friendly. I calt that chopper/plugger this time yarstaday. Tryin to sneak in quick before Yin and Yang make Yiang.

I snagged this pic yesterday morning. I shot that out of my kitchen winda. Fucking PRICELESS!! I literally couldn't believe it when I grabbed it. They saw me. I won.

Speaking of threes again, things that should not come in thres is this: dead bodies. My old timer pal Jeff was found dead in his house a few days ago by my young timer pal Missy Jabyaeeroff. She likes to get saucy and then jabyaeeroff. I have nicknames for everbody, it's my thing that I do with people that ideal with. It's pretty fucking nuts though. Jeff was a solid dude, we seem to be running short on thems shits.
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Well it was wife’s birthday yesterday and I felt bad as I wasn’t able to prepare this meal for her. I just laid around watching the Bluetooth connection to the smoker verifying temp and watching the time so I could tell them the next step. All in all it turned out to be a wonderful dinner.
You da man Franklin. I was just telling the sexy nurse with the dreds that you were a classically trained chef with some gorgeous looking plates...just earlier today actually, like an hour before I sent you that texty wafer. Haha. Life comes in threes lads, remember that.
Haha I don’t know that I would call myself a chef, exactly…..enthusiastic home cook perhaps….but please, don’t let me stop you from extolling my virtues to a sexy nurse:smoking:

Sorry to hear about your friend, man:bighug::pass:
Thanks bro. Yeah, decent friend. I've only known him for a few years, but we bonded instantly over a lot. The old soul vibe and all that. He was a fellow tree destroyer also...well at least he used to be. He was more of a bush warrior these days, but back in the last millennia, he had the biggest ad in the yellow pages according to himself.

I'm not sure how long he held that crown, but at least he had vision enough to roll the dice with the phone book sales dummis. I'm a visual creature, and unfortunately, cameras were not yet invented, so not a single shred of evidence remains other than his claim of being the king of the phone book and the remains of an ancient climbing rig from the Haan Dynasty, which was pieced together from twine and shoe polish with a few bobby pins and a dead goat holding it all together. I've never seen or heard of him actually getting high without a ladder, but he carried this museum exhibit around in his Honda minivan everywhere he went.

Fortunately, my bullshit detector was just recertified, and has been working pretty flawlessly, and it never even made a peep. He was also a high school teacher in the hood somewhere around the Y2K event, until his crazy ex Tracy decided to start mucking shit up and wound up getting his teaching license revoked, as well as his motor vehicle operator certificate. What a bitch, buried him in red tape and swampy paperwork until his only way of making money was high pressure door to door high pressure bushwhackin. I mean, he probably could of worked at McDonald's, but he enjoyed not working at McDonald's. I don't blame him. Haha. He was a hoarder, but he was a good hoarder.

RIP Jeff, you have most certainly left your stamp on this tramp.
Foods from that China Give known locally as The Royal Die Nasty. Wowzaks.

Founder's IPA, Mai Tai, Zombie, mixed shenanigans, co-starring crunchy noodles as snacks and amazing homemade duck sauce as dippity doo.

We also had eat
Doctors and nurses like the same things; blood, scrubs, drugs and Dragon & Phoenix

Those black tiger prawns are fucking insane. Hot & Spicy shrimp is the name of the prawn side and General Tso on the opposite. Check the little carrot butterfly garnish!! This is why I come to the Royal, which I just learned was closed for almost 2 years because a couple people got a little sicky. I remember when the world was a little tougher and you didn't get a trophy just for showing up. Now you not only get a trophy, you get a bunch of money and more often than not: A BRAND NEW CAR!!!! Something feels off. I'm gonna go hide in my safe space and eat this foodstuffs while I stroke my left ear on my right asshole.

The 23 year old daughters of doctors that are named after floaties, just happen to like fruit with their chicken. Pineapple Goobers and some of that Admiral Randy's hamster sauce. You might know them as General Chicken and Commander Buckets. They're huge in Saskatchewan. Aye?


We also got lots of rolls and rices. I scored a $17 banger of House rice that will melt a fucking hamburger. Nice.