With the pickles and everything!!! I have a chicken sammich addiction in case you hadn't noticed. There is just something magical about the words 'Chicken Sandwich' that gets me extra excited...as long as one is coming my way obviously. :bighug:
Yup…..pickles, sauce, the whole 9. I, too, love a good chicken Sammich, but there’s no place close. So I’ve been working on an at home recipe. Think I’ve got it.
I whipped this up quick, I'ma call it Green lipped mussels in white wine cream sauce...sounds about right.

Sauce came from the mussel juice, white wine, heavy cream, garlic, butter, and some bell peppers and radishes. Served over angel hair spaghetti.

I love doing a nice saute dish now and again, it really reminds of what got me into cooking in the first place... with 3 things going on at once....organized chaos. It took exactly 12 minutes from start to finish with a complete mess on my stove. It's bad guys..ROTFLMAO
I was craving a fast food sandwich from down state so fresh bread with cheese and garlic and chopped up ranch steak w/onions. I recreated their sauce too ha ha Great job on yours @Frank the Dank we both did a much better job @Dr.Bubbles your samich pics got me going
Steak and onion sandwich.JPG
Sandwich wspecial sauce.JPG
@Dr.Bubbles I used netting on the Legs , Here is something for your chicken sandwich :biggrin:
View attachment 1375622
Those look real nice. That is a serious amount of chickens...9? You should most certainly find some perfect rolls and make some sammisis. Some thicc bakan would jive nicely....maybe some mayo, salt n pepper? A boy can dream.

PS:. I just saw a commercial for Pizza Hut and they have Detroit style pizza...I've never heard of it until I got that Motor City Pizza pie. It looks eerily similar to Pizza Hut's offering. I love a nice pan pizza.

*Story Time* (if ya want)
I worked at Pizza Hut for 4 years as a driver. The GM was this cool ass girl that was like 10 years older than me, and she smoked. The whole store fucking smoked...right in the back, whenever you wanted. One of the best jobs I've ever had working for someone else. So this manager girl...she worked at Pizza Hut for 19 years...it was the first job she got, as a server. She worked her way up to GM, and was the best manager you could ever want. She made the mistake of hiring her old friend as a shift manager. She got promoted to assistant, and shit started going haywire. She was stealing from the store every single shift she worked to support her insane cocaine habit. She would close, and make orders without ringing them up and pocket the money. Then, when you do inventory, you're WAY short on product. It got nuts. This bitch got her stupid friend a job there, and within a month, her friend stole a full deposit of $1500 and they blamed it on the super cool lady, and she got fired. Fucked up. The Assistant cunt got defaulted to GM, and the store was closed within 2 months. TWO MONTHS!!! We were the #1 Pizza Hut out of 6-7 in the area. We had a die hard customer base in a crazy pizza town. There is a dozen pizza places in my town right now. After she got our store closed, they gave her ANOTHER STORE!! It was up in the ghetto...lol, but still....it was there for 10 years or more. Closed within 3 months. What a fucking piece of shit. The extra fucked up part, is that my ex-wife was like best friends with this bitch...before she was my wife. Ohh, and she fired me for not working on Sunday. I had worked there for 4 years, and the only Sundays I ever worked was for the Superbowl...and Halloween if it came on a Sunday. So I got bagged by my wife's best shithole friend, for not working on a Sunday...while I had twin daughters with my ex wife, who were like 2 at the time. While she is stealing hand over fist whatever she can get her hands on. The bitch also stole my Shine 90 snowboard pants that I paid close to a hundred and a half for...jet black pants which came with a patch sewn on of a scarecrow smokin a fat stick of reefer. I loved those pants. Damnit.

Back to you Janet.
I just learned two new cooking tips this week!!!

I haven't tried either one, but they both sound like bangers, and your chicken remindered me. The first one is from my buddies uncle, who owned a restaurant, and their fried chicken was legendary. It was their #1 dish. Check this, they brined the chicken parts in a salt and sugar brine, and then boiled them in plain water. When an order came up, they would dip em and drop em. The wet batter was 2/3 flour to 1/3 Bisquick with beer being the wetting agent. They also did that and went back into the dry mix for double dipped. I just found out about this a few days ago, and want to try it. The hardest part about fried chicken is getting those joints cooked right with no weirdos, and I always wind up having to bake them afterwards for a smidge or more. Not that I'm complaining, the oven makes a FANTASTIC way to finish fried chickens, but it was legitimately a light bulb moment when I heard about pre cooking the chicken. It makes perfect sense at a restaurant, who wants to wait 45 mins for food to cook? Sounds like a winner....it worked for this restaurant as their signature dish until the guy passed and it went downhill.

Tip the second: Another light bulb moment that I am gonna try this evening. It's for mashed taters. Without a doubt, the hardest part about mashed taters is the perfect cooking of said potatoes. Let's make that bit easier shall we? My GO TO mashed solves this problem by cooking the tatties in heavy cream...even if you over cook them, they just soak up some creamy goodness, so it's super easy....it's also super expensive, so it's my go to for special meals and the giving of thanks and such. Here's the new tip:. STEAM EM!!! Well duh. It all seems so clear now. So I will be trying this out with some reds and will let ya know....but I suspect some bangin mashed is coming my way tonight. Bonus points for using some sour cream!!!

Happy Friday guyses. Hava Tampa.
Fish in my hair!!!

Orgasm in my mouth!!!

A balanced breakfast.

In every bite

Wowsa. Fresh pork sage sausage, organic free roam chickens egg, buttered English Muffin, with broilerized Havarti Dill melted.

The only thing that would elevate this higher would be some farm fresh eggs like the ones that NB's auntie gave us from West Vargina. Those eggs were fuckin amazing. We got like 8 dozen, I was like "Whatever are we gonna do with this many egx?". We found something to do with em!!

I watch this AvE guy on YouTube...the man is a fucking evil GENIUS....you want him on your team when the supermarket runs out of food or when the zombies come looking for brains. Anyway, this man has some real special hens that exist so the family can kidnap their unborn children and devour them. This fella feeds his chickens like kings. They get all manner of table scraps and goodness. He whipped up a batch of their feed on camera...lobster, king crab legs, corn, garlic, hot peppers, whole black peppercorns, crushed oyster shells what gives em calcium to make nice shells. He said they eat these spicy berries if they are given access to em and absolutely love spicy food....but YOU SHOULD SEE THESE EGGS!!!! The yolks are fucking the size of a golf ball and they are brilliant orange. Just ridiculous. He said that once you eat these for a couple days, there ain't no going back. Not to mention, fresh as fuck. I must have these for my all in one hand breakfast mashups. Jeezless.

A Also...the chubby Greek fella known as Guga Foods and Sous Vide Everything gets equally impressive eggs. He has this recipe where you boil the eggs for 6 minutes and then immediately ice bath them. You then crack the shell and back in the ice which makes peeling like 10 times easier. Another tip!!! Just learned that one too. Anyway, he makes a marinade of soy, brown sugar, Korean chili flakes, garlic....pretty much like a beef jerky marinade, or the dipping sauce what comes with potstickers & dumplings. You marinate them in the fridge for like 4 hours and then plate one atop a bowl of sticky rice and bust it open.

Gotta try this one for sure...they were blown away by it. And these guys made a 1M strong channel eating Wagyu cooked on Kamado grills with lump charcoal. If you're interested, just use the Gargler and search "The Insane $750 Steak & Eggs Experience"

You won't be disappointed...Guga is the man
I haven't had a proper sit down fork meal in a week, so we banged this together. I have been craving some charred flesh with killer tatties....that combo is lethal. Me and the sexy Nurse got a 10 pack of these pork tenderloins for 20 bucks. They are about 17-18 oz each. I usually do two at a time, because I always feel like I wish I had more if we split one. Haha..nothing like the Western Diet. So I tried the steaming method with some really nice red potatoes...nailed it...almost. :gassy: I ran my baby steamer out of water!!! LUCKILY, I was right there and caught it. The pan is one of my best heavy stainless kettles. I wasn't so worried about the pan, that thing is bulletproof...but the tatties don't like to smoke. Fuckin lightweights. So my babydoll is sicky right now, and has a 101.3 fever since yesterday. She isn't feeling too sleek. I cooked the grill stuff first and figured...steam some tats and saute some veg...haha...like everything possible went wrong. I was so in the weeds my fucking legs were getting cut up. I spilled hot liquid on my rippin hot stovetop.... twice....scalded cream and starchy water that was borderline flammable. Fuck. I burned the bottom of my pan, I went to grab the soy sauce and sesame oil, which I keep on the top shelf of my spice cupboard (which is so packed that I am ready to scream and throw a tantrum about it)...and knocked down like 4 glass bottles. The full flavor soy, rice wine vinegar, the big French's Worcestershire that I just bought, about 350ml of dry white wine, and an old fashioned egg timer what uses the sand or drugs or whatever the hell is that mystery white substance. No breakage!!! But my god, it sounded like I got mugged or some shit. And I fucking ran out of butter....fuck me running, all I had to do was steam some fucking potatoes and blaze some Asian style veggies in my jumbo Rachel Ray skillet thing. Ohh...and I used my little flower petal steam basket rig thing...which has three little feet...and when the potatoes were done and being removed with some tongs, I dropped one under the pan and it got stuck under the grate....and then the thing was off balance and it splashed in the piping hot water and splashed my arm. I also managed to tear my kitchen up pretty good...but the good Bubb and me threw a massive 5 minute cleaning session and knocked it out 95%. Haven't touched the stove yet though ...that fucker is hard to clean if it's spotless.

I raided the last of the garden and my veg drawer and snagged half a yellow bell, about 5 radishes, 1 huge Vidalia onion, and 4 assorted peppers from the backyard that had a chili pepper vibe about them. I made a veggie stick with all that shit and grilt it good. Set up the spotlight over the grill and camped out for a half hour with some good sticks and a couple beers.




I didn't get any pics of the fuckin disaster as I was flustered and not even thinking about it. But I made the redskin smashed mashed with green onions, sour cream, garlic, scalded cream, fresh ground pepper and some super course sea salt for the little explosion effect...I also made the veggie sautee. At least everything came out perfect...u would have been pissed....I can deal with some setbacks, but the food needs to be on point.

Ohh, NB wanted me to "Tell the guys that I love this". Did you tell em? Did you tell em? Yes dear. I told em

This is what she was reefer ing to

(I like my assistant about :bighug:much...I think I found a keeper fellas)

PS...I used my leftover jerky marinade as a sauce for my pork!! I put it on the stove and boiled it for 10 mins covered. It's been in the fridge, and I ran it through the strainer after the jerky...fully intending to use it again, but I haven't bought another beef slug yet, so I figured rather than let it go to waste? Not disappointed...it's got that little liquid smoke backbone. I think this whole thing set me back about 10 bones. It's amazing what you can eat for not that much money when you find a decent deal!!
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