Grilled chicken thighs with sauted mushrooms and a Fennel, tomato and avocado salad. Pre-cooked - microwave sticky rice.

last night's meal.
Looks great fellas. I am such a sucker for fennel. That trio looks interesting, did you put a dressing on it?

Some fancy plating there Zorro. I could imagine seeing that at a nice Mediterranean restaurant.
Looks great fellas. I am such a sucker for fennel. That trio looks interesting, did you put a dressing on it?

Some fancy plating there Zorro. I could imagine seeing that at a nice Mediterranean restaurant.
Yep Good Seasons Zesty Italian made with red wine vinegar and California olive oil. Ms. MOG did the salad. I have her convinced she makes better salads than I do and she is welcome to make most of the salads :rofl:. Truth be told I don't like making salads but I do know how.
Check this tasty McMeal. So our crazy friend Missy made some sauce last weekend. She has been talking this sauce up for the past 6 months. It's a pork sauce, with hunks of various pig parts in the bottom and bones...gotta have the bones. When it's done right, it's a life-changing experience. She spent like $75 so I had high hopes...and my culinary school buddy is neighbors with her, and he tried it on Saturday night when she made it. He said "It's bomb". I trust his palate.

Missy informed us that we have a couple quarts coming our way. She packaged it all up on Sunday and put it in Chinese takeout 1 quart soup containers. Me and the wifey got two frozen solid logs. We have a pretty good selection of various late season peppers, tomatoes and basil in our garden, which I'm glad for.

So we decide to see what all this is about and bring home a loaf of sourdough Garlic Tuscan bread from favorite eating bread. I defrosted the logs and dumped em into my Dutch oven and was kinda surprised. It neither looked or tasted like the pork sauce I am familiar with. The sauce was super smooth and thin, the pork was still together as meat hunks and the sauce just tasted juvenile. This needs some more time and love. Luckily my garden had my back, because the fucking store was closed by the time I realized I needed it. So I decided to treat the sauce like jarred sauce and Bubbles it up into something radically different and flavorful.

Started with a giant red pepper and a pair of onions that got diced up and sauteed. I also found 4 mid sized straggler heirloom tomatoes and gave those a few blips with my processor. I shredded a few small carrots, as I love the body they give to a tomato sauce.

I just started building with fresh ingredients: red pepper, 2 onions, carrots, puree heirloom tomato, some dry chardonnay, a whole head of garlic, a splash of heavy cream, garden fresh and dried basil. We then added the two pots together into my Dutchy and realized we would appreciate some meat with this we whipped up a pound of meatbawls. Lucky I had everything on hand and created a 14 pack of fennel seed (my super secret meatball ingredient... shhh) balls....twice cooked like I learnt from Tyler Florence. Pan seared, put some sauce over top and then baked for an hour. Meanwhile, I kept the sauce bubbling with a cover the whole time, so I added about 3 hours of desperately needed maturing time. It came out fucking AWESOME. Her base with some Doctor love and some fresh ingredients and general cooking know how. Bam. Not even sure what all pics I have, but here goes.


I also made this brownie kit. When I was shopping for Mama's party, I grabbed this crazy thing from Wallie World. It's called Dunkin Hines EPIC S'mores Brownie Kit. Holy shit, fucking spend $5 and grab one. I'm intimately familiar with DH brownie boxes. This is not that. First, it doesn't look or smell anything like the normal box....and second, these brownies use BUTTER!!! That's new. Most brownies use oil and water. I mean, you can use whatever you want, but this is according to the package instructions. So I had a leftover package of chopped pecans and some leftover mini chocolate chips, so I tossed em into the batter. I love nuts in my brownies and chocolate never doesn't work with brownies so we'll go with that. So you make a graham cracker crust in the bottom of an 8x8 and then put the liquid brownie on top and then bake it. I always cook my brownies a little cooler and check em with a toothpick. I checked em....twice....still not done and I go and pick up a guitar...AND PROCEED TO GET SOAKED UP INTO THAT AND WAS OVER HERE SHREDDIN LIKE A BOSS AND I NEVER PUT ANOTHER TIMER ON. I fucked up my amazing brownies. But get this, even with all that, they were still amazing!!!! Like REALLY good. They easily went half an hour over if not 40 mins. You're supposed to put these marshmallows over the top for 5 mins in the oven, but I didn't want these things anywhere near more heat, so I never got to try it with the marshmallow and fudge topping. So we are gonna save that and try again from scratch...or just buy another EPIC kit and use double shmallows and fudgeys. I was pissed yo. Brownies with graham cracker crust is killer though. Haha. These were some denk fuckin browns. I wish I got to try em proper. Definitely check this out if you're into tasty treats.

Here's me all set up. Life is good.

This is what it looked like exactly as it went in the hotbox. About 60 mins away from being ruined. This is the best shot I got, seeing as I wasn't in the picture taking mood after 'The Incident'. Maybe y'all won't play guitar when the brownies have ten mins left and actually put em together right with the 'shmallows and other paraphernalia. I fucked up.
Anyone heard from Bushy lately? Haven't seen him here in a minute. He's always cooking for a crowd, I love seeing big ass home cooked meals. We need a whole lot more of that...and a whole lot less phone glued to hand glued to face glued to asshole.

It's the most efficient setup's a loop!! Like a gas turbine or turbocharged piston engine. Connect the exhaust to the intake mechanically to achieve ultra high efficiency for E X T E N D E D periods of idle power settings. If the turbo or shaft isn't spooled up, power is not instantaneous. That's why turbocharged cars need to get the turbo spinning to launch some good ole fashion red light racing (professional driver on closed course. Do not attempt. You will die.)

Maybe turbo lag is why no kids are at the park anymore? It makes perfect sense. Like crystal clear perfect. All these McDubbelz are not the best source of energy, combined with boost lag...I think I'm on to something big here guys.

Someone get Nobel Prize Patrol on the phone, I'm busy running tests and testing formulas and can't be bothered with such trifling endeavors. It you observe them on the motorway, gently persuade them to pull over and they'll give you a Red Bull, which gives you wings...or so I've been told...the very notion of which seems preposterous to a man of my standing and esteem. I'm a Doctor damnit, not a bloody astronaut. And for gods sake man, put on some pants.
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Ms. MOG is doing a garden tour with her sisters and a niece. So I got to have seafood for dinner. Wild caught Gulf Shrimp, cold water lobster tail and scallops sous vide @135°F for 30 minutes in a sauce. I made the sauce with the shells of the shrimp and the lobster tail, butter, Pinot Grigio, salt, garlic cloves and fresh Curly Leaf Parsley. It is served with brown rice and sliced Avocado with a squeeze of lemon.


Even though the quality of the fish was not all it could be - all previously frozen, the sous vide method of cooking makes it all it can be. It was really delightful.
Them shitz look so plump. I absolutely adore the decapod butter sauce, you can really snag some good flaves from them dummies with the chitin.
Good afternoon children. Today we will be discussing the difference in economic power between the third and fourth dynasties in ancient China and the effect it had on the citizens. Please open your books to page 887 where we'll take it from the top.

24 hour marinated pork tenderloin chunks in an emulsified blend of lemon pepper marinade with garlic, oil, & vinegar.

I made the sugar snaps and onions with a sweet and spicy takeout style garlic sauce...which I just learned how to make from Missy when I picked up the pork sauce quarts. I used hoisin sauce, sesame oil, fresh garlic, crushed red flakes, a splash of full bodied soy sauce and a spoonful of sugar. Made that in my huge Rachel Ray frying pan. Smashed reds with scalded cream and garlic are in the Dutchy.

There is something to be said about meat on sticks. I love to kabob my meat hunks, they provide so much surface area for the grill to get at. Lovey dovey dumplin hammers.

I grabbed this impulse buy item from Aldi called blackberry frangipane tart. This thing was calling my name yo.

Looks almost as good as the box picture. Very dynamic balance between the tartness of the blackberries and the honey drizzle that I added. The crust was somewhere between shortbread and a sugar cookie. Everything I've gotten from Aldi's Deutsche Küche brand has been dynamite. From their Schnitzel to our holiday favorite Cherry Stollen...I've also had great luck with the Specially Selected brand in the black, I always get excited trying something new from those two, whatever it may be. This little frangipane tart was crushing it...and we are it warm with a scoop of vanilla bean eye scream.

How's your father? Tell him Randy says "Hey cookie monster, been thinking about you a lot lately. Call me anytime ya silly goose". Can you do that for me? Thanks sweetie.

And that's the basic story of how your family fell apart. Any questions?
Good afternoon children. Today we will be discussing the difference in economic power between the third and fourth dynasties in ancient China and the effect it had on the citizens. Please open your books to page 887 where we'll take it from the top.

24 hour marinated pork tenderloin chunks in an emulsified blend of lemon pepper marinade with garlic, oil, & vinegar.
View attachment 1371848
I made the sugar snaps and onions with a sweet and spicy takeout style garlic sauce...which I just learned how to make from Missy when I picked up the pork sauce quarts. I used hoisin sauce, sesame oil, fresh garlic, crushed red flakes, a splash of full bodied soy sauce and a spoonful of sugar. Made that in my huge Rachel Ray frying pan. Smashed reds with scalded cream and garlic are in the Dutchy.
View attachment 1371849

There is something to be said about meat on sticks. I love to kabob my meat hunks, they provide so much surface area for the grill to get at. Lovey dovey dumplin hammers.
View attachment 1371850

I grabbed this impulse buy item from Aldi called blackberry frangipane tart. This thing was calling my name yo.
View attachment 1371851

Looks almost as good as the box picture. Very dynamic balance between the tartness of the blackberries and the honey drizzle that I added. The crust was somewhere between shortbread and a sugar cookie. Everything I've gotten from Aldi's Deutsche Küche brand has been dynamite. From their Schnitzel to our holiday favorite Cherry Stollen...I've also had great luck with the Specially Selected brand in the black, I always get excited trying something new from those two, whatever it may be. This little frangipane tart was crushing it...and we are it warm with a scoop of vanilla bean eye scream.
View attachment 1371852
How's your father? Tell him Randy says "Hey cookie monster, been thinking about you a lot lately. Call me anytime ya silly goose". Can you do that for me? Thanks sweetie.

And that's the basic story of how your family fell apart. Any questions?
I could do that!

sous vide pork loin tonight.