Well e'llo love bugs and bong hitters. The baba showa is done, thank goodness. A bit of extra stress isn't my idea of fantastic. And I like shit extra fantastic. Went off without a hitch though...I even changed a diaper blindfolded in 19.7 seconds. I didn't win though. I cooked stuff and took pictures, drank lots of Mountain Dew and rode two different motorcycles. Not a bad afternoon.

Here is some sexy shower pics for all you thirsty ass boys.


What did ya think I meant? Jeez, it's amazing how filthy everyone is in secret. We don't judge here...that's lemonade iced tea and watermelon lemonade. I got bonus points for my drinks, everybody was in love. It's the little details, ya know?

Food? It's definitely safe for your mouth hole. You can also use it to attract a mate, or bait a trap to catch a demon or possibly an octopus. Stay sharp too, he'll try to steal your girl if you let him. Keep a real close eye on any cephalopods that are following you around, it might already be too late.
Use this type of nutrition to break the ice. Put em at ease...this is a good time slip something in a drink if that's your thing. We don't judge, you do you.

By the time you are at this nutrient station, you should firmly in control of the situation. A little glass of bubbly will make it seem like this is all just for fun. Everyone loves having fun. Don't ruin it for the others.

You can put these nutrient sticks and protein pucks in your mouth hole or go directly to the intestines via the colon. Very popular in eastern Europe and with some alternate lifestyles and deviations.

For a quick boost, insert one of these energy dense sponges into an appropriate receptacle. For added efficiency, they can be soaked in a complex carbohydrate liquid and suspended in a protein foam. Adding additional supplements is entirely optional but in certain configurations we have seen energy density in the hexapascale per cubic meter in optimum conditions.

I was counting things here and I kept giving up. There is at least 14 stuffs here. I actually think it may be closer to 38 stuffs, but none of my colleagues are certified for those levels. Damnit Jim I'm a doctor, not a bloody mathematician. I fix people Jim, and sometimes cater baby showers and funerals...I'll never be a calculator like your son Horace. Just count the fuckin boxes and let's get on with this.

I convinced my attorney to let me try out the two pod racers. The Yellow one would make a decent sex swing with a few small modifications. I thought of it first...don't you dare.


I think I hear my legs telling me a secret. Gotta run. Say hi to Victor for me and we wish you were here. Big badda boom.
PS. Mom didn't show!!! She refuses to even drop off her gift!!! Wow. At least grandma came though. How fucked is that??
PS. Mom didn't show!!! She refuses to even drop off her gift!!! Wow. At least grandma came though. How fucked is that??
That is a shame. I spent several years not talking to my father. I wish I had patched it up sooner.................

So I sous vide some shrimp for breakfast this morning. I went to Whole foods for some scallops but the wild caught Gulf Shrimp was on sale. I poached the shells in some Pinot Grigio, and garlic. I marinaded the shrimp in a 1/4 tsp baking soda for 20 minutes then sous vide them 132°F for 15 minutes. I removed the shells and garlic from the pan added goat butter a pinch of salt, broccoli and parsley sauteed them for a couple of minutes and tossed in the shrimp. I think the shrimp could go at 133°F for the perfect texture for me? Next time. It was very good. Maybe just a touch more garlic next time also.

After Dr appointment and lots of liquid encouragement along with some smoke. I helped man the grill with wife so she didn't burn anything. As they were almost done she made up a pot of dirty rice. The ribs were seasoned with garlic salt, pepper, lemon pepper and vegeta. Left to sit a bit before tossed on low heat. After about an hour of flipping and rotating they were ready to be sauced. Turned down some of the burners just to keep it warm in the grill while the sauce glazed.
Then my wife made stuffed Chicken breast with cream cheese, cheddar and broccoli. Dusted in Italian bread crumbs baked in the oven along with a side of the same filling casserole style. Had some corn on the cob that needed used but it wasn't sweet like normal. She then filled my sweet tooth with some 3 2 1 cakes and homemade whipped cream.
Last night my daughter cooked dinner. She had this while staying in Hawaii and helping the woman's group along with the church. The friends she made there sent her a care package of things and the curry mix was included. So prepped everything to make Beef Curry as we've never had it. Somewhat like beef stew but other flavors I can't describe.
Well I might be late to the party but I am here now. Since I like the sous vide so much especially for pork. I thought I would give another kitchen appliance a whirl. I have been craving french fries for a while and I cannot just go through the McDonald's drive through or any other fast food joint because their fryers will be cross contaminated with gluten. I cannot eat a massive amount at one time because of the diabetes. Yeah I know..........

Heating up a pot of oil for a few fries seems just a waste so I decided to get and try an air-fryer. I got this one:


I made these GF fries in it today following the instructions on the package 8 minutes 400°F shake half way through and spray with a little canola oil.


Now I know I have been french fry starved but they were absolutely amazing. These were actually closer to Micky D's than any I have ever made by any means.

This does present a problem in that they are just so super easy to make. I may be tempted to eat them more often than I should. I also have some Sweet potato fries and tots to try in the air fryer. These will have a better glycemic load than the potatoes. I just need to put a few days in between.

@bushmasterar15 I don't think this is big enough for your mess call but for everyone else it could be a winner.