Live Stoners Dr. Babnik invites - Stoners Tea Party

Changed my mind and chose a Ceylon Green from Sri Lanka.
Tasty, no bitterness or unexpected aftertaste. Nice
The Speed Devil bud isn't as pretty as most that are better manicured. If it is frosty, it stays.

green tea
frosty green bud
what's not to like?
allies, ready to show you to you
haha i couldnt of said it any better brotha! we gotta keep intouch i like your thoughts and we may be able to learn something from each other!

shrooms and tea are how some folks take em
yup! i make Shroom Tea when i ingest Psilocybin but when i want a short intense trip i Lemon Tek the so the psilocybin is broken down into psilocin by the cirtic acid in turn making it easier for the stomach to process and pass into the blood stream! but gosh i love the taste of that black/purple shroomie tea and some lemon and honey! mmm mmmm mmm if it didnt make you trip when you drink it id consider drinking tea more! :funny:
One of the best cups of tea I ever had was at a free rave festival.
It was Britain's first illeagl rave festival held on Chipping Sodbury Common ,There was a whole load of different British sound systems there including Circus Warp and DIY (legends in their own rights!)
I had taken a Pink Floyd "The Wall" acid tab and they were pokey as fuck!
Well a night of fun and frolics was had and I danced the night away.
By the morning I was somewhat disheveled as the sun was rising over the festival.
By this time I was just wandering around taking it all in and chilling in the first light of the day, with eyes still like saucers!
I happened to pass by some new age travelers who were sitting around drinking cups of tea and smoking spliffs.
They said they'd sell me a cup if I wanted one, this was music to my ears.
The cup was missing it's handle and was cracked and had developed a certain patina inside, where years of tannin had accumulated.
Yeah to be honest that mug was pretty minging!
But..... that cup of tea was so good it had been perfectly brewed had the right amount of milk and two sugars!!
I rolled a spliff and settled back and enjoyed the next ten minutes with a smile on my face.
This was exactly what I needed after a night of tripping and dancing, and it revived me.
Almost forgot.. I asked how much they wanted and they said just give them what I thought I should pay, so I gave them 20p, well it was 1991 (I think).
It may not have been the most fancy cup of tea I have ever had but it is the most memorable one and when ever I think about it, it takes me back to that night, which was so full of good times!

here's a picture of the festival
stoner's tale, thanks
Yes it is!
But roasted coffee beans is not suitabel for collection. Except from green tea, most tea can be stored a few years.
I like coffee fro italian Ginevra. They have a pure Robusts blend so strong you instantly strech your back when taking a zip.

What do you think of my Pavoni?

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contrary me
green coffee beans
store and store
Never pass up a chance for a cup of Kona or Jamaican Blue Mountain. Like Some teas, many of the traditional local strains have been replaced with a higher yielding commercial type. In coffee, it is the Arabaica which although is inferior in some aspects, makes more money.

I likethe Pavoni, Even the less ornate look cool.
In fairness to Tea drinkers everywhere, I would be remiss in not mentioning the many fabulous Samovars used by the well to do.

have you checked out ethiopian strains, from the motherland of coffee
I have a problem with internal heat. @Mossy, this may interest you.
To deal with the issue, let's travel to China, the Land of The Balance between Yin and Yang.

I use two remedies.
To enjoy myself, a glas of Chrysanthemum flowers with sugar.
I don't have the nice rock sugar the Chinese use, so regular white, unhealty sucrose will do.

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For pure medical reasons, two bags of the chrysanthemum, mulberry and prunella. It is a little bitter, but it works when used regularly.

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Her we can see that even the Chinese use the word generically tea for a product that never saw a tea leaf.

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have you tried organic raw turbinado sugar, it's unrefined and tasty
contrary me
green coffee beans
store and store
Have been thiking about getting a home roaster. I've used the oven a few times. The taste was not bad. It was cheap beans, so not bad considering the price.