Dutch Passion DP by DP by Fuggzy.

So I've got the pots ready for the new seeds. DP is the only plant getting a 5g pot, rest are 3g. I like to throw the pots in the tent a day or 2 before if space allows, I'll normally give them an enzyme feed when I do, this time I'm just doing some molasses, and TM-7. (http://www.bioag.com/images/TM7_Tech.pdf) There is a lot of fresh microbial life in there now, so I'll just focus on feeding them. I am also going to pretreat for gnats too. I saw 1, not sure if it is from the large pots, or the current plants.
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The DP sank in about 6 hours (first of 6 seeds too), and is in a paper towel till tomorrow. I love when a seed sinks so fast! I've been putting the wet towel in a zip-lock, and just putting it on top of my light hood. So far, the last ~8 seeds have loved it. The hood is air cooled, and just stays warm. YAY FOR NEW LIFE! Man if you grow you own, and don't have fun, you are doing something wrong. Till later, take care guys.:smoking:
Fuggz we are gonna have to talk about me doing a small organic grow or something... it just seems so interesting to me.
good luck on this one!
Fuggz we are gonna have to talk about me doing a small organic grow or something... it just seems so interesting to me.
good luck on this one!
DO IT! In all reality, it's pretty easy once you get established. I had to read my ass off, and then just start trying things. Some of my first fermented extracts where great, then my 3rd, I almost killed my favorite plant. So the 4th, I just didn't do it that way lol. There are a lot of organic guy that think their way is the best, truth be told mother natures way is the best. Everything else comes in second. We as humans have not, and should not, master nature.(evidence is global) We got some pretty smart people in the world, but really it all boils down to what fits your style.

The most common recipe you'll find for FPJ or FPE (fermented plant juice, or FP extracts) uses water to create an anaerobic environment. Does it work, hell yeah it does. Do I use it? Hell no I don't. I can not stand the smell of stagnant funky ass sitting rotting water, ughhhhh. I have made it, and when it came time to strain it out, I kicked it over in my compost. Point of me bringing this up, is there always more than just "that guys" method, and I found something to fit my wants/needs...This video explains how I make my FPJ, and also how I learned the method. The Samoan in the video is a big time organic activist in Hawaii, and is pretty smart in my opinion.

This is a post I did in one of my first journals. My Nanner FPJ

If you happen to see something I do, and not understand, just ask. Haha I can not guarantee i can explain, but I'll sure as hell will try to! Take care bud.

Oh BTW the nanner juice is me absolute favorite one to make. You can use any plant material in this recipe too. Get creative. Different colors bring different properties to the table. Same way that w/e (can't remember the name, but it is responsible for the color, and health benefits)makes blue berries a great antioxidant, is also what gives it color. Well that though process applies to this too. Let me know if that doesn't make sense, I'll explain it differently.
Shot gun and salt rock repacked cartridges. Not deadly, but hurts beyond belief.

I played international Rugby to age 32, was good, was also a hit-man (6'-3" 255 4.4 40 yard). I felt guilty for weeks after I killed a squirrel once.....:crying:

How am I suppose to shoot a deer. It was different in the dessert in SA.

Yes you can all click a corner off of my Man-Card.
@Moondude Well if thats the case, pass that hole puncher over here. I got a rabbit just to collect it's poop. I didn't even get home and it was named, and got moved indoors. Found a duck struggling, took it home, named it, nursed it back to health, and was heart broken to release it! Besides, I think I'm still using the "big boy" card. My wife gets a kick out of it at times. But hey, I love me some animals.
@Moondude Well if thats the case, pass that hole puncher over here. I got a rabbit just to collect it's poop. I didn't even get home and it was named, and got moved indoors. Found a duck struggling, took it home, named it, nursed it back to health, and was heart broken to release it! Besides, I think I'm still using the "big boy" card. My wife gets a kick out of it at times. But hey, I love me some animals.

@Fuggzy, tough one, saving animals. The may protect your Man Card. But naming the fellas?
DO IT! In all reality, it's pretty easy once you get established. I had to read my ass off, and then just start trying things. Some of my first fermented extracts where great, then my 3rd, I almost killed my favorite plant. So the 4th, I just didn't do it that way lol. There are a lot of organic guy that think their way is the best, truth be told mother natures way is the best. Everything else comes in second. We as humans have not, and should not, master nature.(evidence is global) We got some pretty smart people in the world, but really it all boils down to what fits your style.

The most common recipe you'll find for FPJ or FPE (fermented plant juice, or FP extracts) uses water to create an anaerobic environment. Does it work, hell yeah it does. Do I use it? Hell no I don't. I can not stand the smell of stagnant funky ass sitting rotting water, ughhhhh. I have made it, and when it came time to strain it out, I kicked it over in my compost. Point of me bringing this up, is there always more than just "that guys" method, and I found something to fit my wants/needs...This video explains how I make my FPJ, and also how I learned the method. The Samoan in the video is a big time organic activist in Hawaii, and is pretty smart in my opinion.

This is a post I did in one of my first journals. My Nanner FPJ

If you happen to see something I do, and not understand, just ask. Haha I can not guarantee i can explain, but I'll sure as hell will try to! Take care bud.

Oh BTW the nanner juice is me absolute favorite one to make. You can use any plant material in this recipe too. Get creative. Different colors bring different properties to the table. Same way that w/e (can't remember the name, but it is responsible for the color, and health benefits)makes blue berries a great antioxidant, is also what gives it color. Well that though process applies to this too. Let me know if that doesn't make sense, I'll explain it differently.

im going to watch the vid now and it makes sense to me as i relate it to DMT. IE changa: its a smokable form of DMT with a MAOI... pretty much smokable
Ayahuasca. which is usually 10x CAAPI leaf infused with DMT but where im going with this is you can add things suck as blue lotus peddles and it adds different qualities to the trip. its like you feel/experience the spirit of the plants you add it its really F'n cool... each plant has a spirit energy and we can experience the spirit/qualities in different ways such as smoking cannabis to experience the plant itself.... ok thats enough spirit and energy stuff i dont wanna keep rambling because its too easy to talk about all that interesting stuff that we get to experience in this life, the next AND in between ;)
@tripaholic88 This is the 2nd half to the nanner juice I made... Nanner FPJ pt.2
we are gonna have a little discussion soon about all this im thinking of just doing 1 strain with 2 plants.. a single plant done organically and one done with reg nutes and see how they vary in growth, tatse, quality ect i dont know the benefits to organics besides not being able to burn plants too easy haha

Okay we have life!


