Indoor DP Auto Night Queen & HSO Blue Dream Auto Adventure

Well I don't think that 3rd Night Queen is going to germinate. The Barney's Farm Blue Mammoth that was my backup did not grow either. I dropped a Zambeza Blueberry Auto to fill the space. The last time I grew this plant it was a little squatty but it is the only seed on hand that has a chance of catching up to the others.
Well I don't think that 3rd Night Queen is going to germinate. The Barney's Farm Blue Mammoth that was my backup did not grow either. I dropped a Zambeza Blueberry Auto to fill the space. The last time I grew this plant it was a little squatty but it is the only seed on hand that has a chance of catching up to the others.
Shame those 2 didnt germ! The blueberry will be a nice little addition :) i want to try a blueberry strain, do they have much flavour?

Day 3 for the first true leaves and the girls are all tucked into the Hugos. The Zambeza Blueberry replacement has not sprouted yet. Soon I hope. I don't want her to be too far behind the others.


Day 8:

Not too much to see yet. The hugos have reached ~ 40% water content so I am preparing the Week 3 nutrients in the reservoir. I want to go another day or two before the first drip irrigation day. If you read the beginning of The Incredible Bulk grow journal it explains the precision watering of the Hugos. The Blueberry is 4 or 5 days behind the others so I will just set the drip cap to the side while I water the others. It is important not to water too soon so the roots are encouraged to grow throughout the block when first starting a plant.
Group photo:

Blue Dream




Night Queen
I practice what I preach. I am using the entire House & Garden Hydro nutrient program. The only additional amendment is Mammoth P.

In my last grow "INB" I added the Algen Extract to my reservoir. Even though it is a very "Refined" product being a vegetative fibrous product it mucked up the tank. I do use the H&G Drip Clean product (Remember I use the entire House & Garden nutrient line for hydro) I was concerned it could clog the drip emitters, it didn't, but i worried about it. It did make a clogged mess of the filter on the pump that stirs the reservoir. As you know I have a lot of experience growing vegetables/flowers organically in my outdoor living soil. Kelp has been an amendment to my living soils for 40+ years. It's use just makes sense on so many levels. I have a hard time growing anything without it. I believe - without scientific proof - that it adds characteristics to the flavors of the product that are missing in many hydro grows. So I am going to deviate from the original "Precise drip irrigation method" used in the last grow - Just a little. Once a week I will pull 21 ounces/621 ml of PHed nutrient mix from the reservoir add .5 ml of Algen Extract to it and feed 3.5 oz. gently to the top of each hugo. This is the same volume as a single water on cycle during the day and it bypasses the drip emitters. I have in fact already done this on last Tuesday. Last Tuesday was the first irrigation day since transplant. It is my understanding that those first 9-10 days without fertigating the Hugos that started out saturated at transplant and dry down to about 30% water content before the first watering encourages the young plant to establish a good working root system. The tops of the plants seem to be slowed a little by this method in the first two weeks. The payoff is obvious by the end of the third week when the plants really gain momentum. Sundays will be my regular weekly update day. Look for pictures then.
Time for the weekly update Day 15 for everyone except the Blueberry on Day 10.

The girls have all been getting fertigated for the second time last night and watering will commence daily starting tomorrow. The schedule is 8 - 5 minute sessions (about 3.5 ounces per cube per water on) starting 2 hours after lights on until 2 hours before lights out; that works out to every 2 hours since I am running 20/4 with 15 minutes of far red at lights out. Nutrients are on schedule week 3 ~ 750 PPMs (see the first page for the chart). The Blueberry will get its first watering tomorrow. The plants are picking up steam now and will be more fun to watch. The back left Night Queen appears to be a different pheno than the left front. It looks more sativa and is a lighter green. I turned off most of the lights to help the camera get better pictures it is just too bright with all of them on. I am running CO2 now since it has cooled off enough here that I can deal with the temperature in the space. CO2 runs 1400 PPM 40 minutes on 20 minutes off to vent the heat one hour after lights on to one hour before lights out. Temperature in the space is 88°F - 90°F daytime and 78°F nighttime. Humidity is ~65% a little low VPD but the humidifier runs out of water in less than 24 hours if I turn it up. It is already hard to remember to add water on a regular schedule. I would really F!@# up if the times were all over the place.

Group Picture Night Queen (left front & rear) Blue Dream (center front & rear & right rear) Blueberry (left front):

Night Queen:

Blue Dream:

Blueberry: (the weight is just to keep the cover in place)
