Dutch Passion DP Auto Blueberry, 120W Prakasa LED, air pots, organic soil and nutes.

Hey thanks a lot :) Looks like im gonna have to water these airpots very slowly, the water res on the ones i bought is only 1 row deep !

Ye my friend tells me blueberry even smells like blueberry, yum :)

FIVE DAYS in water and only today three of them have taproots.

One of them didn't sink until the third day, i think it's the one that still hasn't sprouted.

Oh well, if we have a noshow i can throw in something else, i got given a mixed bunch of DP seeds so i may try a starryder :)

So i planted the three sprouts, if ABs are slow growers then i expect to wait up to three days for them to show above ground, all in new airpots.

Looking forward to using airpots, except for the slow watering involved ...

3 sprouted and planted.jpg

We got a new cat flap recently, i told my gf i would install it before she got home, and this is what i prepared for her :

cat door.jpg

Haha ! I put the real one on afterward but you shoulda seen her face ;+}


I had some issues with my Blue AutoMazars not germing in paper towels. So I planted 2 in one pot and one showed her head 2 days later, it was a bit odd. I'd say toss them in their pot and see what happens. Good luck.
Soaked my being in warm paper towel for 4 hours then put it in the dirt. when i checked on the next day after i got home from work she was pushing up threw the coco! and then she was off to the races.
Thanks for coments :)

Yeah i'm used to beans taking 24-36 hours in a glass of water and then 12-24 hours in the damp kitchen towel wrapped in clingfilm.

The last seed still hasn't sprouted, i've put a Starryder seed in to soak.

Cheers, steely.
Nice one, you got a diary going ?

So one of the girlies has got her game on :


Hopefully the fourth seed will crack tomorrow.

And then there were 3 !

The other two have stuck their heads above ground :


The fourth seed still hasn't cracked, my friend had them in storage for about 6 months i think but maybe it's just a sloooow starter.

The star ryder hasn't cracked yet either, as soon as one of them does then the other one gets binned.

Got here in time I see. Mind if I peep over ya shoulder for a bit?? Subbed!