Down on da Bayou

:D: Hey brudda! Of course you know we'all think! LOL Break us off a piece a dat! Her color is true violet, lovely as can be...this is from her Dragon side, mmm? When will final chop be, Swampy? Sounds like them eggs b' done!...
Ahhh, finally, some other pics from Chez Swampy's garden! Very nice, mon amie... The okra is a lovely plant too, bro! Lots of rich colors going on there...The white flower, that's a type of Morning Glory, right? I meant to ask you about the Passion vines you mentioned somewhere, sometime back.. LOL! There are some really amazing complex flowers in that family...Choot us some pics! What's the plan for the Lac-bac? Part of you fermentation crew? :smoke:

Brudda first thats Moon Flowers

Also man yeah i seen my Magic that deep and the red tones ...
So this is a Chamelon plant and i facking love it
Thanks to Mossy months ago that I could do summn

Yeah bro im digging it little chunks say table spoon mix it with a quart of medium and spread it on ur top dress ..
Shit grows asap.and not tomention when the molasses washit it
Well it grow like bacteria do EVEYWHERE ...

Thanks to gilcarandang and his stuff
Man that dude Saved the plant in the Philippines well hes doing hella work
Basically free global agriculture college !!!!!

Gotta love growing
Damn Gov !!!!
Insanity !!!!
:High 5: oooOOOoooh,......Swampbrudda, they're almost too pretty to smoke!...almost!! The colors held perfectly, huh... and just plain sugar di-yipped! :drool: Oh! the torture... :roflcry: It's almost cruel to show us! .... how did the flavors and aromas turn out so far? You mentioned she started to get some sweetness at the end, did that carry through? LOL! -and of course, what kinda hammer is she swingin'? Again, fab' job Swamp! ...can't wait to see a pic of a nice big bowl of her in all her glory! :smoke:
Think im gonna yank the styro cup.out CCD homeand add in some Peatand.a Cream.Manderine
After.i flood the soil with some Leftover Microbe brew .
Adding some.Fish goo and some Poo Poo before ...
Ginna shower then visit threads ,,,
Been doing alotof green work theselastfew days
Styro ripped out
Rooted like crazy but i do have to say it can hold some moisture
Sodefinitely gonna water next grow way differently too this i will add a perfect wad of Peat moss and a small dose of fresh c cooked poops
Gonna have a sweet take its place

Maybe gonna look into a Josie soon !!!!
OH OH umm brother...freind ..ummm have I ever told you how amazing you are lol DUDE that looks DANKISH super fantabulus and wondermus,..when I read your post I picture the cajun cooking guy talking to me about weed know the one that said GAAA RON TEEE LOLTHAT lady IS sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YUMMY looking where she bin hideing all my LIFE lol that purple snow is crazy!:hug::karma Cloud::yay::bong::slap:

Justin Wilson douche was fromMississippi but was acool old fart
Sipoin on red wine and cookingin those same Magnalite Pots today my friend

@Waria ,
Watch this eggplant transform
1St dose of honey after picking off Fruit had and leaves a fungus from being to wet !!!
Anyway we had some crucial.rain andim just figuring it was a fungus

Anyway day 3 of honey dosease
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Ok thats the same leaf kinda lower mid as i get closer

Now this is the top other foot that grew with new growth

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So does Honey Work????:booya:AFNlogo
...Or what!! :poof: All better now,.... :High 5: LOL!...another thing in honey is the anti-bacterial/fungal compounds that keep it preserved from spoilage!... don't know if this imparts anything directly to the plant, but the sugar-rush the whole gang gets boosts the plants immune system too! Good stuff mon amie :D: ... but you can keep the Eggplant, never been a fan... LOL! Hey swamp, whay about those Passion vines?
Dont have any bro
I have Moon flowers
And i can cook some.eggplant bro u wouldn't even know
We know how to disguise Critter in stew and soups and shit

My weed has never tasted so damn good
Oh man now its getting somewhat right
I need about 4 oz big girl next