New Grower Double Grape/Walter White Micro Grow - first grow ever

Have you taste tested the DG yet? Those others look like they've had to much N.
LOL You know me. I couldn't resist a taste. :headbang:
The buzz is good, but the taste was still lawn mulchy. :dizzy:

Thanks for the N tip pepe. I'll back that off now. What about 86 deg temps at 44 rh? I have three 4 inch fans in the room too...
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86 isnt horrible as long as air is circulating. How close do u keep the cobs?
Good to hear. Maybe the curling I see isn't from the heat then. The curled up sections are dying too. I try to keep the canopy 12 to 6 inches.
I'm not seeing any bleaching, I don't think.
Today I'm celebrating my very first "High on my own Supply" day! :headbang: :smoking: :headbang:

15 grams were harvested from my first two Double Grape micro-grows. They were dried and are still curing in mason jars. Oooh, the flavor & buzz are sooo good. I couldn't be happier.

Vaping it is the best. You get that very distinct candy-grape flavor on every nose exhale. The first high was headier than I remember DG being, but then the next one was more indica-like. Buds were harvested over a month, so I think I'm seeing the benefits of doing that. It's all gonna be one big canna-salad soon tho (the smokin kind).

My next dbl grape harvest in 30-40 days should yield me even more per plant if goodness continues to happen.:thumbsup:

:pighug: :vibe:
mr sparkle spagettisauce and a lot of folk growing good in small spaces.
some very dark green so could be a bit heavy on N.
1st grow you have buds,and thats what its all about.on to the next round,onwards and upwards as they say.
you are enjoying the rewards of your grow:smokeit:dont it feel good.
nice job keep er lit.
:slap:Looking good in here man:smoking:

Check out the micro section for sure you will learn alot if you have the time to read through some threads.
Thanks Smorf!!

I stop in to check up on you from time to time, Smorf. You're one of several that I stalk around here..
After all - we be Micro-Bro's!