New Grower Double Grape/Walter White Micro Grow - first grow ever

me likes some Walter White

good luck n keep er lit.
I did upgrade my lighting today (8/31). I added two more 12w LED's.

12w bulb.png

I should add "On the Cheap.." to this thread title. I'm up to 72 watts now.

Dag Nabbit! I forgot to solo the middle child in the photo lineup. Why does the middle one always get overlooked?? Anyway - here she is. My oldest Walter White at 14 days.

40 WW-A D14.JPG 39 WW-A D14.JPG 42 WW-A D14.JPG
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Hows your girls doing? Using the new Led's?

I been slackin, ain't I? Had some stuff come up, so I haven't had much extra time to do more than care for my girls. (They're spoiled.) :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:

All 4 Walter Whites are now living in 2 liter bottles. I think I'll start seedlings in 2 liters from now on. They're the perfect size for my space, and the smaller cups just increase chance for root binding. The WWs' roots filled the Solo cups in under 15 days. Good genetics help that, I'm sure.

The 2 new LED bulbs have made a noticeable difference. I'm definitely ordering one more bulb since I have room for it.

Smell has become a serious issue because my space is far from airtight. A new 4" carbon filtered air removal system is being installed today. The ozone generator works wonders, but it doesn't run 24/7.

I've started watching & adjusting ph. I've also started adding Humboldt's Secret Plant Enzymes to everything.
61YjvufHeAL._SL1500_.jpg 71mDUZq97wL._SL1500_.jpg

DE added too. We're takin on bugs. Little gnat bastards.

Double Grapes: Days 82 & 50

Walter Whites: Days 21 & 16
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Well, 5 of my girls came down with thrips a couple of days ago.
I would sometimes let them sunbathe in my backyard for 2 hours or so, and I'm guessing that's where they picked up the creepy-crawlies. I bought some organic insecticide soap at the local hardware. I think that did the trick.

I have been finding a few dead gnat corpses in my humidifier. But I never see them flying around. Strange...

I'm not using an airtight tent, unfortunately. I put down some DE, and ordered the yellow sticky traps. I've also been using citronella & cedar wood essential oils as deterrents.

Those Little Fockers want to mess with my girls... I fight back!!!:naughtystep:

Also, no more outdoor playtime for any of the girls.:sad:
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Well, 5 of my girls came down with thrips a couple of days ago.
View attachment 803277
I would sometimes let them sunbathe in my backyard for 2 hours or so, and I'm guessing that's where they picked up the creepy-crawlies. I bought some organic insecticide soap at the local hardware. I think that did the trick.

I have been finding a few dead gnat corpses in my humidifier. But I never see them flying around. Strange...

I'm not using an airtight tent, unfortunately. I put down some DE, and ordered the yellow sticky traps. I've also been using citronella & cedar wood essential oils as deterrents.

Those Little Fockers want to mess with my girls... I fight back!!!:naughtystep:

Also, no more outdoor playtime for any of the girls.:sad:
You had to kill or harvest 5 of them?
You had to kill or harvest 5 of them?
Kill my girls?? I shudder to think of it. (unless they really piss me off some day :smoking:)
Nah - the insecticide soap seemed to kill them instantly, once I remembered to apply it to the underside of the leaves too. I did that with a q-tip.

I decided to give several of them some main stalk twists too. May have been too soon. They're all recovering, but slowly. Pics soon.
HARVEST DAY!! (very humble first harvest of Double Grape) DAY 92

I removed the bottom center bud 3 days earlier (red arrow).
day 92 harvest 1.JPG day 92 harvest 2.JPG
Now the 5 buds I harvested are drying on the portable hanger rig shown. This all sits in a brown paper grocery bag with a 4"x4" hole cut on one end of the bottom. Then I set the hole in the bag over the floor AC vent with a clothes pin on the bag, holding it mostly shut (I leave an open gap at the top of the bag not quite big enough to slide my hand into). Then I cover it all again with a flannel shirt to block more light, leaving some breathing room.
day 92 harvest 3.JPG day 92 harvest 4.JPG
When the AC kicks on, it sends a cool breeze through the drying bag setup. The room is normally around 74° F.
Once the buds feel dry enough, I'll cure them in mason jars, burping once a day.

AND the waiting game continues.. :coffee2:

This whole drying/curing process is new to me. There are so many different ways that I've read on how to do it. In the end I just ended up winging it.
Somebody please let me know if I'm hosing things up!