Hello everyone, just throwing up an update to my current grow.
So in the last update I was just slowing down the watering and the amount of water I was giving the plants as they were starting to show signs of overwatering. I basically gave no water between day 10 and 14. Towards the end of day 14 they all got 500ml each with just cal mag.
On day 16 they got another 500ml each with cal mag, velo kelp and sensi grow.
We're now on day 18 and I've taken a chance and watered them with between 800ml-1L each as some were desperate for a drink and the pots seemed to weigh next to nothing when I picked them up.
I really need to settle on a watering schedule, but I'm finding because of the rapid growth and changes in the plants at the moment its hard to know how much and how often to be watering.
The Chem Bubbly which came out with 3 leaves is still not doing well. Having to remove her largest leaves every few days as they mature and dry out will probably have negative affects on her later on. she has basically turned into my s&m plant. Just gonna abuse her to see how far I can push an auto plant before it decides to give up on life. That sounds really grim now that I've said it lol.
Other than that, everyone else seems to be doing pretty well.
I've had to strap down the tops of a couple of my plants as they were getting a little tall, other than that, everyone has received leaf tucking and thats about it.
Here are some photos for you after I had finished leaf tucking and before I watered them :
Alaskan Thunderfuck - leaf tucking only - Looks a bit light in colour but thats because the door to the tent was left open so the light made it look like this. Its in fact a very dark green colour and she stinks already.
and this is her trunk, at day 18, what a beast. Easily twice as thick as any of the others.
Pineapple Express 1 : This one was getting a bit tall and due to the way her fan leaves were placed, nothing underneath was getting any light. I bent her down with string a couple of days go from the top so that the growth underneath could get some light and grow evenly. I released the string that was tying her down after watering tonight, not sure if that was a good idea, but I'm keeping an eye on her.
Also is she starting to flower.. on day 18?
Blue Dream: She actually has been a dream. Only got leaf tucking, but she's very bushy and growing fast and well. When I untuck the leaves and let her be, she is near perfectly symmetrical. Its really pretty. She's the lightest colour of all my plants, everyone else has dark green leaves, hers are somewhat lighter. I have been giving her a little extra calmag over the last 3 feeds thoug.
Chem City Blues: Leaf tucking only. She survived, woohoo. After an initial slow start, she's totally perked up. Smaller and flatter than the other ladies, but she's growing steady now and I'm hoping that her germination troubles are far behind her.
Chem Bubbly: Slight LST. Another one that was growing just a little too tall for my liking, pulled her top node down, did some mega leaf tucking and brought all her shoots up above the leaves. I was basically trying to aim to have an even height of growth amongst her new shoots and leaves. She responded well to it, I'm just not sure if I should release her from the lst or keep it going?
This is what she looks like from the side
Stress Killer 1: Both stress killers have started to turn into beasts already, growing too high for my liking. I decided to go a bit mad with this one. I have fastened string around the ends of the shoots on both of her biggest fan leaves and pulled them in opposite corners and fastened the string down with a thumb tack attached to the side of the fabric pots. I then did the same with her stem and pulled that right down to a similar level as the rest of her shoots.
and a side boob shot :
and another after i fixed the bit of string that fell off.
Stress Killer 2: This one got slightly similar treatment to her sister, but to a much lesser extent. she has mainly been getting leaf tucking, but I have pulled her top down slightly.
side shot:
Pineapple Express 2: Nothing but leaf tucking for this lady. She has grown steadily so I've left her alone mostly.
Basically all I'm doing at the moment is trying to make sure that all the growth and off shoots below the top most leaves are getting equal light. If I can achieve this by leaf tucking I'll do so.
If not I'll try and push my luck and learn some LST. I imagine that I'm not doing it 100% correctly and will learn to be better as I progress.
Please, if you notice anything that I've done wrong where an experienced grower would not do such things, do tell me so I can fix it. I imagine a couple of the above plants might catch the eye of a seasoned grower who can notice all the bad things I have done. In which case, I would love to know so I can improve.
Thanks for looking in and have a fantastic day all. Peace!