New Grower Doogal's first auto attemp

Hey all, just wondering if any of the UK peeps have seen seriously large spikes in their humidity since the snow?
We had 6 days of non stop snow here, during that period my humidity wasn't actually that bad, around 45-50%

Since all the snow has melted and we've had non stop rain, I can't get my humidity down.
Its up in the 65-70% during the day if I have the tent fully closed up.
I checked the humidity the second the lights came back on from 'night time' and it was 90%

I'm a bit worried about bud rot, so I want to try and massively reduce my humidity as its obviously way too high.
I'm trying to have a look around the internet to find an easy way to reduce humidity inside the tent, but mainly finding the advice of 'get a dehumidifier'.
I'll order one on amazon tonight, but is there anything I can do in the meantime just in case it takes a few days to arrive?
run lights 24/0 to avoid humidity spike if possible ? increase airflow,that may bugger you on low temps though.
good luck.
Thanks for the heads up @archie gemmill
Can I just change to 24hr lights on at the flowering stage without anything going wrong?
I'm on day 49 currently for most of them.
To be honest, I'm worried about both the day time and night time humidity lol.
If changing to 24 hour light cycle now won't have any adverse affects, I'll happily do it.

Who knew cold weather from Siberia would fuck up my grow room humidity in England so much haha :smoking:
autos dont mind a few changes in light schedules.too many or a timer goes doolally and it may be a different story.
90% is a recipe for budrot.
Thanks again for the help @archie gemmill
I'm so thankful that you've been there to answer my questions and give me advice, its seriously MEGA appreciated mate.
Lights will be on 24hrs now then :)
I've ordered a small dehumidifier that should fit in the tent easy, should be here by tueday.
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Hahaha, well I certainly appreciate you looking out for me dude.
Its not very often us Newcastle fans get to go to bed with a smile on our face, unless you've pulled in town just beforehand :p

edit : and the missus was over my shoulder while I was typing that and all I got was 'you'll be lucky to get a second look nevermind pull anything'

Sometimes you just gotta grin and bear these things :D
Hahaha, well I certainly appreciate you looking out for me dude.
Its not very often us Newcastle fans get to go to bed with a smile on our face, unless you've pulled in town just beforehand [emoji14]

edit : and the missus was over my shoulder while I was typing that and all I got was 'you'll be lucky to get a second look nevermind pull anything'

Sometimes you just gotta grin and bear these things :D
I switch my light schedule according to temps, when I got to -6C I switched to 24/0. Now back to 19/5. They don't mind, there are cloudy days after all lol. My humidity is sitting at 50-60% right now. Keep the air moving.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Thanks for the information @Rollin_along , really appreciate the help.
This crazy weather we've had during March has kinda thrown me off the track I was on haha. I was very happy with the environment inside the tent, and then it decided to snow for a whole week out of nowhere. It keeps you on your toes this growing hobby
Have a good one :smoking: