La Buena Hierba Doobies LBH New 2 U Testers Blue Haze,Blue Cobra Haze

I'll be right over for my sample"Car Sex"
LOL hurry Me and the wife are smoking it fast as we can pack a bong or roll one,:smokebuds: watch a movie and pass out and sleep like we dont have care in the world LOL Have 4 BDH germin..2 have tails and in 1/2 gallon pots till sex.I may drop the BH too..they are both so so good! I must use one to make more !:d5:
Im Getting. A cherry Kinda aroma From BCH ..AND skunky Diesely...but really Sweet More...When u squeeze it it gets Really Fruity .and Sweet Right ???
Mines moving Fatts Ur Her Stalks ...
:jaw: "porn perv" :jaw: Giggady-Giggady Gigg-a-dee!! Doobster's Sugah Factory is in full overdrive! Everywhere you look,..glistenin' hootchie-mama's, ...wet, dry, hanging,'s all good! "Ha ha ha ha ha.." You have just been on fire lately, my friend,... your skill set is getting damn good! LBH must be going "Bailers Booya":woohoo: "Bailers Booya"....LMAO!! ...The trich' production is outstanding,... man, I'd love to see both of them tested at a Lab,... :brow: Last I checked, Steep Hill Labs was $50/1g sample for a basic cannabinoid profile.... no doubt, from what you report, this is yet another auto that could stand with any photo strain...:ama: LOL! .... Oh oh! -now you go on with the aromatics! You know how I love Pineappley buds!! "Ho..ho..ho..." ..just for that Ima heat yer cheek-:slap: Beautiful work DAB's! .....BTW, any word from LBH lately?.... hope he and wife are okay,... :karma Cloud:
lookin' mighty fine, DAB! :tiphat: ...lookin' mighty fine
Dry Top Bam DSC_0004_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0003_NEF_shotwell.jpgHavent got a total weight yet but without the top was 91g She puts out LOL COBRAAAAAAAAAA LOL Yea testing sounds good ..think ill grow out a few more first see if there are any better ones if thats possible lol :smokebuds:
Looking killer there Doobie.
Can't wait for a smoke report.
That Blue Haze looks right up my alley.
Diesels are usually too stinky for me.
I like fruity happy weed.
Congrats on the harvest.