La Buena Hierba Doobies LBH New 2 U Testers Blue Haze,Blue Cobra Haze

TY man but LBH did most of the work LOL ..It was simple to grow for me..and loved to eat in flower..only thing stopping me from doing more is pots and soil LOL I wont dare do them in anything small again LOL its a waste of smoke LOL I just think I could have gotten 7 or 8 oz maybe lol OK OK im pushing it..LOL Only reason I dropped the BH and not the BCH is I have a sneaking feeling that its a keeper too and will produce under the correct conditions.:tiphat:
DSC_0044_NEF_shotwell.jpgI have one BDH this round..I had 3 BH but they didnt want to show up to the party think I had a grem issue.caused by me..this BDH was a blind one leaf seeds was about to toss it but I waited now I have a BDH male to pollinate her for more testers .She looks better then this now and allot bigger Ill get more update pics when I pull her out.
ps whats the cobra part of the mix?

love this thread, the bkue haze is one we really want to try! :)
ps whats the cobra part of the mix?

love this thread, the bkue haze is one we really want to try! :)

I didnt have room this round to do the others..doing a seed run with the BDH was my wifes favorite but the BH was my fave and the BCH was the biggest and a close second to my favorite smoke. Ill have some Update pics of the BDH about to pollinate it.
cheers bro, look forward to some pics :)

do you know what the cobra part is?
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i think the blue haze would make a sweet cross to my early love potion x blue dynamite :)

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:Sharing One:looks tasty Bro