La Buena Hierba Doobies LBH New 2 U Testers Blue Haze,Blue Cobra Haze

looking good, where are the other 2 you speak of, i want to compare it to my slow one. i need the good and bad bro. thank you doob
How the hell did I know U wanted to see them LOL was just being lazy really ..U know my slow net :P Here ya go..Plus I wanted to take a Top pic of all 3 but had the macro on lol DSC_0112_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0115_NEF_shotwell.jpg
right on romeo. a lover like romeo would always think of the boobies that avatar. good early morning laugh.....thanks bro.

my mdanzig gear has begun the flowering cycle, i see that is an exciting time in an auto. they develop so fast. stop on by bro.
:dance2: :dance2: :Foxy: :booya::booya: *P-hooooshhhhh*:karma Cloud:..* COOO-cough hack-hack-BRAAAH* :smoke: DD Jr.- Excellent start brudda!... The BCH's have great branching and shape! Those are going to be a treat to watch,... The BDH's are starting get some stream going,...this is a strongly sativa strain, ay?... I wonder if they will veg' longer, and catch up some to the BCH's?... :thumbs: Fine looking chicas, my friend!