La Buena Hierba Doobies LBH New 2 U Testers Blue Haze,Blue Cobra Haze

Adds another bdh vote. I'm also wondering and hoping the blue haze do I'm with led.
We will be all good I bet Haven't seen a GN led fail a seed yet! On any thread Hop digitybut 2 of the BH are pushing up through the soil already waiting on #3 .
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WOOT all seeds are moving up out the dirt thats 6/6 Sweet job LBH. Testers are out..Here is a few pics of the lil ones..They are under 24/0 CFL at 70/73 . DSC_0011_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0005_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0018_NEF_shotwell.jpg
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We will be all good I bet Haven't seen a GN led fail a seed yet! On any thread Hop digitybut 2 of the BH are pushing up through the soil already waiting on #3 .
growing mine under a 400 mh to start and then to my 600 hps. we will see if there are major differences in that BH. everythings looking swell doobie brother
Day 25 Loving my LBH testers the BCH and BDH are doing great..they all looking fem to me..the blue haze are the smallest but thats ok they are under led now and doing better then the under CFL.One in the middle is the best..I would pull the other 2 but Ill let them go so I can get a lil more LBH smoke in the coffers! BHDSC_0113_NEF_shotwell.jpgBDHDSC_0116_NEF_shotwell.jpgBCHDSC_0118_NEF_shotwell.jpg
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