Grow Mediums Do you use fabric pots with autopots?

Roots do escape our PotSocks as well. When i see roots sticking out i cut them with a knife. It does control them better than not having them from our testing but they aren't perfect. They also seem to act as a filter of nutrients as nutrients collect on the bottoms. I can see from the pictures
Dichoti is using the potsocks.
FWIW. I used the socks and the discs, and there was no sign of roots out the bottom of my three pots in spite of the fact that root tips showed up over the entire pot sides very early in the grow. At least the way I used the socks and discs, they worked perfectly. I have no idea why they sometimes fail for other growers.

Again, FWIW, I installed the socks on the outside of the fabric pots, with the copper coloured side of the sock against the outside surface of the pot. I also folded the root disc in half to double it, and taped it over the opening leading to the valve chamber, but there was no sign that doing so made any difference because not one root made it through the sock.

The socks do work, at least sometimes.
Thanks. Do you use the root control disc in your autopots on there?
Yep. The roots grew straight through the disc on my 5 gallon smartpot, And grew over the one on my 3 gallon Rain Science bag that I’m comparing the growth of the 5 to. If that made sense.
Thanks. Then the roots on your plant went around the pot sock and the root control disc to the valve? Do you rotate the pots in the tray? I was thinking of trying to rotate the pots in the tray like 1/4 or 1/2 turn daily on there.
Thanks. Then the roots on your plant went around the pot sock and the root control disc to the valve? Do you rotate the pots in the tray? I was thinking of trying to rotate the pots in the tray like 1/4 or 1/2 turn daily on there.
I hadn’t been doing it, even though I usually do. My “big girl“ takes up too much room now.
Yep. The roots grew straight through the disc on my 5 gallon smartpot, And grew over the one on my 3 gallon Rain Science bag that I’m comparing the growth of the 5 to. If that made sense.
How is the Comparison going? Are the Rain Science bags better??
How is the Comparison going? Are the Rain Science bags better??
I’m not gonna hijack the thread, So if you want a visual comparison you’ll have to go find my thread lol.
Rain science bags are good. I’ve got two of them (a 5 gallon and the 3 gallon that’s in use now). In my opinion, They ”out perform” regular smart pots in a non autopot setting.