Harvest & Curing Do they work? Not sure if my expectations are correct

Jul 10, 2021
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Hey all...

I received a sample bag with a recent seed order and Im on the fence about going with Grove bags or Jars. I love the idea of Grove Bags, but I dont know if they actually do what they claim. So I tossed a mildly damp paper towel and a hygrometer in the sample bag, and let them sit. About 4 days later the hygrometer reads 50% humidity. Shouldn't the bag be maintaining 58-62% ? Or am I not understanding the intended operation? I will freely admit that maybe Im just being dense. And I also allow that the hygrometer is likely not super accurate, but 8 percentage points below would be pretty far off. So I think its a fair representation of the climate in the bag.

Can anyone shed some light?
They are not designed for a wet paper towel? I have been using them for well over a year now and I love them.


I have completed one cure (Sour Stomper) and am in the middle of another (Toof Decay) using Grove Bags and am happy with the switch from jars FWIW. Also, you may need to have more material in that volume of Grove Bag for it to work properly but I defer to the experts (@Grove Bags). IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Lol. Yes. I understand that they aren’t designed for a wet paper towel but I think the concept is the same at the most basic level. Humidity is humidity no?
Im very glad to hear that people are having success and like them, as I really like the concept. I guess I’m just worried that they won’t work as advertised. But success stories are helping me feel more confident to try them at least.
Are you guys just drying then bagging?
Can't get my hands on them where I live and ordering Stateside is no option for me. Would love to try them though.
The product must be good as loads of people here are very satisfied with them :thumbsup: