New Grower Do i need more lights?

Hey welcome to AFN brother!

Just some friendly advice, I would start with a handful of autos instead of 50 autos for my 1st grow. I can tell you're eager and ambitious and that's great, but get your feet wet first and then start scaling up if that's your goal. I don't think you're going to remotely reach whatever goal it is though by going so big right off the bat. I'm not saying that to be a downer, but to be realistic so you're not wasting your time and money. Get a firm grasp on the basic of autos (which can be much more fickle than photoperiod strains and clones,) and then push up. You can still use both of those lights for sure but the amount of plants you want to put under it is likely going to be overwhelming for a 1st grow (it's probably overwhelming for most people here.) That's my best advice to you bud!
ive grown outdoor twice this my 1st indoor grow (large grow not 2 plants) and puttin money into a real garden
Well if that's what you choose well be here to help... mind if I ask about soil / nutes / and feed schedule... with 50 autos idea hate to see a fail that large we gotta have a good game plan
Mother Earth Super Tea and calmag n foxfarm Ocean Forest Soil
nutes twice a week other than that water
If you go that ambitious write everything down. It has taken me a couple of years to haul 23 to 25 plants in a 5x9. You will have different phenos do to seeds some will give everything you throw at them well some others might be a bit fert sensitive. I was a long time out door grower and indoor is a whole new game. That being said if you are set on doing fifty go for it bro we will be there to help you along the way.. I use 3 gallon airpots too.
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