Lighting DIY overkill 200W single COB

When you start diary, please tag me in. We have the same tent and I would love to see this monster in action!

I am alrdy doing a diary but only with legal vegies. I just started so you my seeds need time to sproud.
You can take a look at the link in my signature called "Legal Adventures"
So sub up and as soon as my seeds come up you are live with me :D
@KonopCh my LUX meter arrived just in this moment.

I am going to do the lux readings again :D

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So this was your phone lux meter


your lux meter.

There's a big difference! What brand light meter did you get? I was going to do tests with my phone but now I'm not so sure.

Great thread by the way!

Yes you are right, the difference was huge. I also did some researching about the light sensors of smartphones and the thing is that even if you the same model 2 times, when u install the same app the chance of getting same results is very low. Thats because the calibration of these sensors is made on big plates with about 100 smartphones on it. Then they add the light fixture and start the mass calibration.
The problem is that the light distribution is not even enough so every phone has slightly different results but all in an "acceptable range of failure".

I got 2 smartphones of the same model ( Samsung galaxy S4 ). I installed on both the same app and compared, They were mostly about 2000 LUX away from each other.
Then i ordered this LUX meter from amazon: Grandbeing Digital Luxmeter for 20 bucks.

So i calibrated the smartphones with the LUXmeter from amazon and the factors i had to use were these:
Smartphone1: factor = 0.71
Smartphone2: factor = 0.89

So you can see a smartphone light sensor only works when once calibrated with a real LUXmeter. After that it works the same and gives me almost same results ( difference is about 20 LUX, readings on smartphone dont get stable )
great posts research facts and findings.
mobile phones are great toys.can get alsorts of downloads and apps,that use cameras/g-force maybe even a splattering of voodoo of formulas to calculate alsorts of numbers and readings.
my fone has a heart rate monitor on it,i have a proper heart rate monitor and the fone app is junk.its like not even close.
that dosnt mean fones and apps are completely useless,pinch of salt and all that.