Lighting DIY overkill 200W single COB

Aha, aha, you did it again can't hold your hands of this DIY i will take a place in the back and learn from the profs..

well after i started DIY it more and more feels like heroine. Not that i've ever tried it or going to try it ever, but it is like the stories u hear about.
You do your first DIY project and even before thats finished u keep working in your mind on the next one already...

So for sure this wont be my last DIY, it more and more looks like these lights are going to be my first ones in a lot to follow
Today was the day where finally all parts where there to be used. The postman came pretty early in the morning, i jumped almost instantly to my coffe machine to tell her to give me some juice of life.

Then the first bummer came over... The damn M3-Screws i ordered are too big, the head has just had too much height so the Ledil reflector-holder cant be fixed....
So i went to something you guys should know under "Home depot" but they only had them in 10 or 12 mm length and i need 2 in 6mm and 2 in 8mm.
In our town there is a Screw-Master and i went to him and he gifted me the perfect screws i needed because i just took 2 of each of them.

So back at home i crafted all parts together and made the first test....

Oh my f*cking gosh... i imagined the Vero 29 to be bright but man, after pumping it up to 2.8 amps i felt like looking directly into a never stopping camera flashlight.
I cant describe how damn bright this is. This is rly an overkill of COB power hahaha

Also i decided to hand the COB with the heatsink inside of the tent and better get some proper air exchange for the tent.
Now some pics:

Growtent with COB installed

Closeup with the COB beeing dimmed down to the minimum possible ( need to get a better way of hanging it, but thats a problem of the future L0wbob haha :D )
Not really. You can get pretty much accurate (within 10%, which is good for us) convertion from LUX to PAR.

i got an old smartphone ( Samsung galaxy S4 ) with a light sensor. I installed an app and gave it a try, sadly i dont know if the sensor is calibrated correctly or which calibration factor to set since i dont have a luxmeter for comparisson.

The readings i get in the center of the growtent with a distance of 1,00m are:

Dimming: (Minimum) 2700 lux
Dimming: (Maximum) 22500 lux

So which factor do you use to multiply the lux?
I also installed the apogee app for light unit converting but this only has sunlight, fluorescent, metal halide and high pressure sodium convertion available.
Maybe you take the factors from the riu-thread and use one for the cree or citizen? because for the bridgelux vero29 i didnt find any factor.

lets say i take as a factor something between 0.0145 and 0.0160

Factor = 0.0145
  • Minimum: ~39 μmol m-2 s-1
  • Maximum: ~ 325 μmol m-2 s-1

Factor = 0.0160
  • Minimum: ~ 43 μmol m-2 s-1
  • Maximum: ~ 360 μmol m-2 s-1

I am going to do some more readings with the smartphone and different distances on both settings ( min & max )