Indoor DiscretePete Vs Roark

All my issues occur in bloom....I'm at the last line 1/5 of my sensi bloom bottled....could the mix b off? I should go order fresh bottles. And I'm really stuck on should I use RO or tap(7.5PH I believe, will check with my new blue lab I'm getting today, ppm 300, checked with blue lab truncheon)
All my issues occur in bloom....I'm at the last line 1/5 of my sensi bloom bottled....could the mix b off? I should go order fresh bottles. And I'm really stuck on should I use RO or tap(7.5PH I believe, will check with my new blue lab I'm getting today, ppm 300, checked with blue lab truncheon)
Pete, buddy. If you need any help give me a shout. I don't know anything about AN nutes but if I can I'll help you out
Pete, buddy. If you need any help give me a shout. I don't know anything about AN nutes but if I can I'll help you out
Thanks step, after dinner in going to re access my whole grow and figure out what's wrong here. I think I'm just trying to do too much my friend...two full different lines and three different soils...
I have the utmost respect for you!
Takes humility to reassess ones methods. I have stayed away from a.n nutes due to their complexity.
Try looking at cutting edge solutions. Seriously 3 things. Can add others if you wish. They have a online calculator I use every time. I rarely add anything but cal and mag.they are in seperate forms. They have a sloar Gaia line for soil/ may be organic too. I just use tap. Took the nute side out of the equation so I could learn from the plant.

I'm not a super star grower, yet. So you come on back when your settled.
What's the deal with the bubbafet mask do I get one?!??!?!?
Must have.
I have the utmost respect for you!
Takes humility to reassess ones methods. I have stayed away from a.n nutes due to their complexity.
Try looking at cutting edge solutions. Seriously 3 things. Can add others if you wish. They have a online calculator I use every time. I rarely add anything but cal and mag.they are in seperate forms. They have a sloar Gaia line for soil/ may be organic too. I just use tap. Took the nute side out of the equation so I could learn from the plant.

I'm not a super star grower, yet. So you come on back when your settled.
Thanks roark I really appreciate it. I have the full nectar for the gods line too so I think I might work on getting that dialed in, well I have been. Working on my third plant now and best results so far. I think I need to go back to calimagic for my calmag supplement. I see iron and mag Def. On my bigger sour straws....
I appreciate the kind words though man and after I get dialed in in this setup wet can go at it again, just weird I'm having all my problems in one tent and only difference really is the lighting....maybe I need to keep my lights further away then recommended, helped me with my current grow using my Mars light....
Well @Roark the balls came back to bite me. Guess I didn't pay close enough I have seeds popping up all over the place, no bud filling out and she her name is Bruce again now and that is over....been a messed up relationship....she/he has now been segregated or off the grow room while I ask.... @Magic may I cull it? Lol I have no legal place to put it without it everything more girls. Found two seed pods on the girl next to her....sour straws has a ball here and theres no Balls on the other plant...View attachment 570580 View attachment 570581 View attachment 570582 View attachment 570583 View attachment 570584
Get it to fuck as u don't want it pollinate ure whole crop and make consintrates from the buds that are on her it's a shame but uve got other to think about bro