Indoor DiscretePete Vs Roark

Not only am I losing the battle against roark but I'm losing the battle in my 2X4 tent completely. I haven't been able to pull one good plant out off this tent since I put it up. I'm at 7 fails in this tent since I put it up. That's every plant I've put in there so far. I'm really really discouraged at this point, thanks for not rubbing it in too much roark lol. Cuz I'm super frustrated, not with the battle, just the tent and setup. Got two more girls going in this tent and if they fail too I'm probably going to stop growing for awhile. I've been having problems lately and I can't figure them out and I realized the only reason I get from start to finish is following tangs schedule....I don't think I actually know the fundamentals of growing and what I'm actually doing and it's frustrating to come to this realization and feel like I have to go back to step one of growing because right now I can't even figure out what fucking water to use lol. :fire::face::fire::face: after these seven fails in one tent I feel like a complete noob. Damner I need to smoke....all this been eating away at me and I haven't told you guys but since I see everyone watching this I put it out there....Pete is really struggling here!
Aw Pete I know it's discouraging bro but ure far from a noob don't give up on something ure passionate about its just ure mind set at the moment probably a little imbarassed but honestly there's nothing to be ashamed or imbarassed about just sit have a spliff and say right what's working what's not get a list and stick to it I'm always here to help brother :pighug:
All my issues occur in bloom....I'm at the last line 1/5 of my sensi bloom bottled....could the mix b off? I should go order fresh bottles. And I'm really stuck on should I use RO or tap(7.5PH I believe, will check with my new blue lab I'm getting today, ppm 300, checked with blue lab truncheon)
I use tap water all I do is leave it out for 24-48 hr before I add my nutes I personally don't like ro water as it's nothing init ull use more additives as well with Ro water
Thanks @Bailey I'm going to sit back now tonight and figure out what I need to do, appreciate the help with things too man. Hope I can get everything straightened out

Shit bud...sorry to hear of your struggles in the new tent. Hope you get it all figured out man!!
So, fyi. I don't consider this battle a win or a lose. It is a draw.
Here's why...
A plant going hermie is not, as early as shim did, your doing. Battles, to me, and I helped the idea along, are about our skills and how we balance the struggles we face an how well the battler knows their art.

So @Magic can I call this battle a draw, do to an unforseen circumstance?
You cool with that @Discretepete2676 ?
We can battle again in the fall. Gives me the advantage.
So, fyi. I don't consider this battle a win or a lose. It is a draw.
Here's why...
A plant going hermie is not, as early as shim did, your doing. Battles, to me, and I helped the idea along, are about our skills and how we balance the struggles we face an how well the battler knows their art.

So @Magic can I call this battle a draw, do to an unforseen circumstance?
You cool with that @Discretepete2676 ?
We can battle again in the fall. Gives me the advantage.
That's very honorable roark and much appreciated. And I'd b honored myself to battle you again sir! By then I'll have everything squared away and back on track. This was a crap ton of fun though. Awesome crowd and good harmless crap talking. Love it. When u are getting ready, u can pick details and strain this time, if I don't have it I'll order it lol