Dinafem Dinafem White Widow XXL in a 1 Gallon, Hand-Watered Ebb & Flow

Day 10

Moving right along under 24 hours of light. Patiently waiting to be transferred into the cabinet in a few weeks.
One Gal Dinafem White Widow XXL Auto 3-27-20 Day 10.jpg
Day 14

It looks like it's about ready to take off. Another week or so and she gets a new home and I can finally sleep without the muted glow of the CFL illuminating the room. I'm really liking the simplicity of running this little set up. Res / jug changes are much quicker since I'm only using Sensi Bloom, Cal-Mag and H202.
White Widow XXL 3-31-20 Day 14 (2).jpg
Day 22

I added another CFL, turned on the 2' fluorescent tube and did a res change this morning. I said that I wasn't going to do any LST but I bent my own rules and I've ponytailed it for five to six hours for the past few days. I love the simplicity of this set up although I might be kicking myself in the ass in a month or so when it needs to be watered constantly. The CBD Crack is currently bagged and drying in the cabinet. Once that's done, she'll get a new home.