New Grower Dinafem Kush n Cheese

2015-01-24 20.04.17.jpg2015-01-24 20.05.12.jpg2015-01-24 20.04.46.jpg
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Nice pics buddy, just curious what day you're on? If your suffering calcium def, I'd mix a little dolomite lime in your soil mix for your next grow

Hi Darth yeah ill get myself sorted for the next one , cash has been a real problem so ive muddled through.
Someone mentioned egg shells can help but i dont know anything about it.
theyre about 55- 60 days now but not too sure. i didnt write down the exact date LOL Durrrr.
but rest assured the next grow will have a full journal.
I keep thinking my memory is better than it really is but i keep forgetting to remind myself to do things to help me remember better.
Oh and the last post was just cos im bored and impatient :devil:
I had the photo. Version of Kush and cheese and was really excited to grow it but guess what I f***** it up
Right on, egg shells are a good source of calcium when mixing up your own compost, grind it up very fine. But it works very slowly for it to break down to the point that the roots can uptake the nutrients, slower than dolomite lime
Sorry to hear that one @growbeast, these have been a real pain in the ass to keep as healthy as they are. when to and how much ect with the nutes has been weird to say the least. ive got to PK them soonish i think maybe, ermmm
Anyhoo How'd ye Kill ye Babied Dude ????
So I guess egg shells are out,.. didnt think id find a quick fix without nute's so ill chalk this one down ......
Its only my 4th grow, heres my last one
That girl was grown hempy style in a bucket full of just perlite with a hole 2 inches up the side so i may go hempy all the way next time, theres advice on this forum about going hempy.
If not im gona grow in cocco so i get my mojo back, im not against the special mix i used cos its great for photos but i feel ive lost some sense of control over my feeds on this one.
All 4 plants have reacted completely differently, So if your gona ride the hills with the Kush n cheese pony make sure you saddle up tight before you go and take plenty of canteens.
ok so im on around day 70,......
just gona go take a pic or two :)