Dinafem Dinafem Critical+ 2.0 Auto

40 Days
I picked up some Cal/Mag (GH- CaliMagic) and gave 'er a feeding as per the directions. I watered with the Cal/Mag addition alone, the water PPM was 475. I'll keep a good eye to see if there is an improvement. So far the yellow/ brown spots are showing only on the oldest first 3 sets of leaves at the very bottom of the plant.
Overall I'm pretty happy about how things are coming along so far. Thanks again for all of the help :thanks:
58cm (23 inches) tall now. Carbon filter on full time :biggrin:
Can anyone tell me how often I should be adding Cal/Mag to the waterings? Or, is it trail and error until you figure it our depending on local water supply, strain etc?


40 Days
I picked up some Cal/Mag (GH- CaliMagic) and gave 'er a feeding as per the directions. I watered with the Cal/Mag addition alone, the water PPM was 475. I'll keep a good eye to see if there is an improvement. So far the yellow/ brown spots are showing only on the oldest first 3 sets of leaves at the very bottom of the plant.
Overall I'm pretty happy about how things are coming along so far. Thanks again for all of the help :thanks:
58cm (23 inches) tall now. Carbon filter on full time :biggrin:
Can anyone tell me how often I should be adding Cal/Mag to the waterings? Or, is it trail and error until you figure it our depending on local water supply, strain etc?


:smoking: Jeff, missed the tag,... system bugs like the photo problem are still around, but new software is coming!
No more Ca-Mg, that was a fat dose,.. I don't see either Ca or Mg defc., and the nutes have some in it as well, so let that be for a bit... If anything you might consider a bloom booster, something high PK but not crazy hot, something like KoolBloom liquid 0-10-10 is good!... Your feeds, how frequent?
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:smoking: Jeff, missed the tag,... system bugs like the photo problem are still around, but new software is coming!
No more Ca-Mg, that was a fat dose,.. I don't see either Ca or Mg defc., and the nutes have some in it as well, so let that be for a bit... If anything you might consider a bloom booster, something high PK but not crazy hot, something like KoolBloom liquid 0-10-10 is good!... Your feeds, how frequent?
Thanks for the advice. I have taken note of all that information. I'll be holding off on any nutes or other additions for a while and see what she does. I think she's looking great so far :biggrin: I've added KoolBloom about a week ago. Thanks again!
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40 Days
I picked up some Cal/Mag (GH- CaliMagic) and gave 'er a feeding as per the directions. I watered with the Cal/Mag addition alone, the water PPM was 475. I'll keep a good eye to see if there is an improvement. So far the yellow/ brown spots are showing only on the oldest first 3 sets of leaves at the very bottom of the plant.
Overall I'm pretty happy about how things are coming along so far. Thanks again for all of the help :thanks:
58cm (23 inches) tall now. Carbon filter on full time :biggrin:
Can anyone tell me how often I should be adding Cal/Mag to the waterings? Or, is it trail and error until you figure it our depending on local water supply, strain etc?



Oh yes looking much healthier and back on track :thumbsup:

Looking good in here :pass:

All the best :bong:

56 Days
A few more pics...probably last until harvest day. Buds are solid and frosty. Should get even fatter and frostier :woohoo1:. Haha.

I harvested this plant on day 65. It seemed a little early to me but all signs said that she was ready. I am very happy about how it turned out.





She looked ripe and ready to harvest to me buddy :thumbsup:

Congratulations on the harvest mate and thank you for the great diary :pass:

Time to get those fliers dry and cured :thumbsup:

Please drop back in with your thoughts on the end product when the time is right :pass:

Until then :slap:

All the best :bong:
