Indoor Dinafem Auto Blue Cheese

Shoul I go water feed, or feed,feed ,water schedule?

  • water,feed,

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • water,feed,feex

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
looking nice and strong :thumbsup:

you mix your tap water with distilled? because your tap water is not the best?

I will do that just on watering days..It will lower my ph + I can go with lover doses of AN then..
I decided to go water/feed schedule..
I fckd up transport, but after they settled it went fine.. Add them all very little water and rhizotonic,I topped/fim or something those two Big Ones..I wont fck with others..

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Sorry for ultra Crappy pictures..First two pics, is my LST move , other are doing ok.. That Mephisto is gonna be a problem.. He is old as two big ones,but obvious has been stunned/freezed and looks like those young ins.. I believe he is going to start to flower by the next Sunday ..

I gave them very light watering (1l for them all,) with very little rhizotonic inside.
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nothing special to add,Again ,I just light watered them with 1l of water plus rhizotonic..Mephisto girl is in heawy preflower mode,or should I say light flower??

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guys I need help.I noticed this
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last time on two girls ,but it's gone from one,and now I had this only on one girl..

7th picture from the top. Pests?Def?Diesiese?

I dig what you saying, but I water them all from the same bucket,and only ine from 6 is showing this?? if it's bad ph, wouldn all be afected??
soil ph can drift rapidly and seemingly randomly

i don't have a soil probe, but i routinely test my run off. i understand run off is notorious for being inaccurate, but i use it as a guide only - if i run 6.5 in to the pot then the run off gives me a good indication if the ph is drifting upward or downwards, and i'll adjust my next feed accordingly.

if your in-pot PH has risen even a little bit in to the 6.4 or lower range, it will interfere with her ability to uptake Calcium (6.5 and higher in soil for Ca) - i'm having a similar problem, so have raised the calmag dose just a little, and raised the ph of my nutes to a little higher to compensate.

i use a lightmix soil and it frustrates me.
don't water too much.
don't under water.
avoid air pockets but the water will run through the path of least resistance and requires multiple small watering sessions for full saturation - it takes me way too long to run a couple of litres through a pot.
allow wet/dry cycles but drying soil causes ph inconsistencies.
time it takes to see changes in your plant after adapting feeds to suit them.

i'm sure there a more things but these are daily annoyances for me.

other people love the stuff.

finishing up my 3rd round of soil grown plants and then switching to coco to see if i enjoy working with that medium better.

a probe is infinitely better than my method, just sharing what i do in the hope that it helps you out.