Indoor Dinafem Auto Blue Cheese

Shoul I go water feed, or feed,feed ,water schedule?

  • water,feed,

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • water,feed,feex

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
:pop: subbed

I love dinafem for big yields and fastbuds for more connusier reasons my top two and Dutch passion ain't never let me down love thete glueberry and Nazareth I've grown Dina blue cheese she gave me 6+ zips its on here somewhere that grow
:pop: subbed

I love dinafem for big yields and fastbuds for more connusier reasons my top two and Dutch passion ain't never let me down love thete glueberry and Nazareth I've grown Dina blue cheese she gave me 6+ zips its on here somewhere that grow

I would Be happy as a pig in the mud with everything above 3Oz per plant.. :pighug:
I never did dutch passion..But due to Dinafem BC i know I wanna grow fruity strains..I dont like very that earthy or spicy flavored weed. Or woody.. :nono:
I would Be happy as a pig in the mud with everything above 3Oz per plant.. :pighug:
I never did dutch passion..But due to Dinafem BC i know I wanna grow fruity strains..I dont like very that earthy or spicy flavored weed. Or woody.. :nono:
Fruity is my way of choice as well my fave strains are uzally A little citrus smelling blue cheese has been a favorite of mine for years
Next in line for transplanting
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Cheese's are doing great, Mephisto isn'tt happy with amount of water I gave him.. But he is on thirsty vision until he perks up .
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I see lots of those beneficial bacteria feeds recommended to feed once per week and often with just water, if you practice water-only feeds in your schedule - that’s just what I have seen reality the most similar product I use is Voodoo Juice and I pretty much run that mixed with regular feeds for the first week of feeding (usually week 3-4 for me)

I’m gonna pick up some Great White soon, I think it’s again a similar product but I gotta check exactly how to use it yet. i’m moving to coco for my next plant to see if it suits me better than soil does.

these Blue Cheeses look good mate! hope they continue strong for you. Good luck brother.
I will feed,water,feed,water..Back to basic..But I dont have to feed them first 30 days or so With my pre fert soil.. I think thats a same product as great white,but much cheaper..I will have to be careful,coz I got rhizotonic( from bio csnna, that thing is tha bomb in veg.) so of I combine rhizo and this in veg , to not fck something up.. And Yes on my feeding days I will mix my tap water with destiled water..50:50..
It's transplanting Time today..
Then Real grow starts.. :)

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