Indoor Dinafem Auto Blue Cheese

Shoul I go water feed, or feed,feed ,water schedule?

  • water,feed,

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • water,feed,feex

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
Transport went very smooth,and I think that transplanting went really good..We will see in next few days..I watered them with ph'D water and added 5ml of rhizotonic in 11l of water.. Temp aren't perfect 21c /35% rh,so I hanged wet towel hoping it will raise my humidity .. Light$,are 24/0..I'm really crappy photo guy.. :(

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@STILLSMOKIN That is Boss answer my dude :headbang:, but I'm copy-cat guy, Or should I say schedule guy, at least on things that I really care about.. I did few girls like that because they were my side weed chicks :biggrin:, and they turned out really fine :yay:..
I think I will combine my feed by schedule and reading the plants, although I'm really bad plant reader..

@St. Tom I would like to re grown again critical 2.0, that shit got me high despite too early harvest , So i think It must be some really good weed. I feel like my cannaboid system is prone more to old school genetics, or maybe I'm just trippin'.. I will keep that in mind, but I must add that I really rare go above 50% of strength..

@Froot n Fuel Don't be sorry, I'm not , there was 5 sour cracks,2 MBAP,one 24 carat and one 4 AM.. What has sprouted i dont know but I know MBAP isn't coz I label that cup..
Yes one more has been sprouted first but shell has stayed and when I tried to remove it, I fck up upper part so I had only stem,and I threw it away....:poof:
Yes Dinafem blue cheese was , at least in my case, blueberry candy tasting weed, with nice mellow indica high..:baked:
I had never before and after enjoyed smoking weed so much..:smoking::smoking::smoking:
Tag me in your grow so I can follow it..

@TheMongol it is my second name out here,first was compromised by security reasons..
It is combination of two things.. "Covik" is sleng for "man" in Dalmatian region, and they have saying Zovi Covika , when you wanna score some weed, or some other drug..
There is even trap song about it..
La flaire is homage to my favorite rapper Ever.. Gucci mane la Flaire!!! La flaire means a stylish, observant individual
french for "awesome" ... That is why I choose that cat in bath robe smoking weed..
And Yes I must add I only recognize pre jail Guwop..This slim ass fag who came out in 2016 isn't my gucci mane that I like..
I hope I explain it good.. :)
It’s always best to START autos in their final pots.. interrupting the downward growth of the seeds taproot will effect the size of your plant.

You can’t say that it is ALWAYS best to start directly in final container. Plenty of people transplant their autos. Transplanting will effect the final size of the plant? Awesome. I have a northern cheese haze that was both transplanted and topped and is still almost too large for my space. Different strokes for different folks. It’s a preference thing, not a rule.
I have question for ya all..
Yesterday I found my tds meter..
In my apartment it shows ppm 400 :nono:
EC 0800 :confused1:

I know that in my growing place situation isn't any better

So what should I do with that info?
I will test water there tonight and post readings.

@Tiny Bubbles Don't be hard on dude , he was just trying to Help.. :vibe:
I didn’t think I was being hard on anyone. Sorry if it read that way, it’s early here :coffee2:

I dont know , i got that feeling.. :shrug:

Doesn't matter..We aRE ALL BRO'S in La flaire's house.. :cheers: :vibe:

All of you are
Mephisto looks little sad (fabric pot),cheese looks happy to me..So I would say transplanting went ok..

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You can’t say that it is ALWAYS best to start directly in final container. Plenty of people transplant their autos. Transplanting will effect the final size of the plant? Awesome. I have a northern cheese haze that was both transplanted and topped and is still almost too large for my space. Different strokes for different folks. It’s a preference thing, not a rule.
I agree just got to get the timing right in my experience