Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

Im assuming u dont use a whole stick if thr recipe calls for a stick
I would suggest starting half and half. Half normal half infused. A friend made brownies with some I made for him and used all infused in the recipe and was really fucked up off one brownie...
I just cant decide on the "Easiest method. Its bad enough im gonna do all this shit by hand trimming.
I saw the bubble bags i can pick up for 30 bucks i have buckets and i have a drill paint mixer already so im like ok stir drain place on a cardboard box for a couple days and boom hash

Then do i smoke the hash or do i attempt to make butter. IF i make butter how much hash to make. I keep coming up with questions lol its annoying
If you're gonna make butter you can use the buds or even trim...on the stove top or crock's pretty easy.
So I dropped a new seed in water on Sunday...moved to root riot cube Monday evening. Checked her this morning and she's already poked her head up. Should be ready to go into her new bucket home in a day or two...
are u starting a new thread for the next one dcat? ps if u need a hand at all don't forget to write you'd be surprised at what I've picked up along the way ;)