Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

I got a siphon/pump to pump the bad water out and the good water in. Doesn't allow for bucket cleaning but it works. Only problem with switching buckets around are the air lines...since they go through the bucket you're somewhat limited as to how far you can move them without removing the air stones.
I have a second bucket with airstones and airline already ran so I just unplug the one bucket from the airpump connect the other,switch lids and then work on my main bucket
Here she is as of tonight. Won't be any more updates until Sunday when I get home. Long busy weekend for me. Have someone checking and adding water for me. 18" X 26" or so...such a lovely girl [emoji12]

Couldn't get pics with the light out so it is what it is. 32 days old.
lookin tight and tidy she's gonna hammer,just watch those PH's mine just dropped out on both ,I found another nub error of mine,I think me not topping off with nutes has caused my water to become unstable by the end of the week with no buffers left but also the roots are dropping the Ph in bloom, naturally because there absorbing a lot of potassium which is a positive ion, that's my understanding of it.. You guys are using higher ppms than me so your probebly might not feel it like just did.
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@dcat0921 damn dude you are doing it right! I just cant get over how much she is growing, another inch since yesterday wowsa. I think by the time we get an update on sunday she will be 22" tall, that is my prediction anyway. And I swear the roots on the bottom right hand side look like they are getting whiter, again that may be new growth but either way a good sign of the positive benefits of the increased airflow.

So after about a week would you say that you are a fan of the new air pump, and have you seen it's positive effects? :smoking::d5: