Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

On thing you can try is to open some of the other ports just a little so you are not restricting it so much...just enough to allow a little flow. Yes you will lose a little pressure but that's better than burning up your new motor..
It has a white cover with an air hole in the back that quiets it if I take it off more air is exhausted but it's a but louder
What about your 6-8 port thing off the front? Where you attach your some of the unused ones just a bit...then it's not working so hard.
What about your 6-8 port thing off the front? Where you attach your some of the unused ones just a bit...then it's not working so hard.
What about your 6-8 port thing off the front? Where you attach your some of the unused ones just a bit...then it's not working so hard.
its a 6 port plastic if i leave any of the holes open it doesnt push any air to the bucket. i have to plug the 3 holes im not using in order for air to go to the bucket i didnt get my metal one with valves
Yep an inch a day is where it is at! Isn't it so awesome to wake up and see that it has literally grown before your very eyes!

Oh and I asked @jtrain252 to do this and so I will ask you as well, can you take some up close shots of the roots for kind of a before and after type thing. I have never really thought about the staining and if the added air will help with that, at this point it is just a theory so I would love to see if it actually is the case where by adding massive amounts of O2 that it will help with the color of the roots. Since I am not growing right now this is the only thing keeping me sane, so I really appreciate you guys and your updates n stuff! It really does make me happy, as I am sure it does you lol