Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

You sir, are going to have a monster on your hands in a few weeks.

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I think you might be
Not sure what I'll do as I've never had anything grow like this...intimidating but exciting at the same time. For 30 days old she's not doing too bad for my first attempt.
I recon nows a good time to get training,those are some very nice roots ,im amazed at how quick those all those fat ones have formed up,i recon you might need a new net pot after this one..beast for sure. haha
Fookin lovely Cat! [emoji76]

Nice and level on top so far, I know nothing about DWC apart from what I've read on forums but it looks like you're hitting the nail right on the head there buddy.

Keep keeping her sweet man, it's good to look at. [emoji1303][emoji111]️
I'm in the same boat...I know nothing either [emoji54]
Just put some water and nutes in the bucket and lots of air and let it do its thing. Sometimes not overthinking is best I guess...we shall see in another 30-40 days.
me either well some on outdoors just messing around mostly , I'm about to do it to both 2fast2vast and autonight queen ,I regret not doing it on my last 2 but i did supercrop the blackberry responded well.I recon big dwc autos will be awesome to train,il sacrifice these two to try full topping and 4 way lst see what happens i guess. :)