Grow Mediums db003's - Mars pro II 320 - multi auto strain in coco - Lucas formula FNB - closet grow

so I was going through my weed box making space for my jars from my harvest and I had a few bottles with weed in them they are from my plants that I harvest before I would take like a gram for each plant I harvested and toss them in the box some of them are almost a year old

so I took out three of them and put them on a scale it was 3.2 grams in total I also had a half of a gram of kief I had so I decided to do a fun experiment with it and try and make a cannabis tincture with what I just had lying around the house

the buds I used were

Tyrone Special auto # 1 that one was #95 days old from harvest

Tyrone Special auto # 2 that one was #89 days old from harvest

freeze berry auto that one was #157 days old from harvest

plus a half gram of unknown kief I got from a friend

so as you can see the bud I used was quite old from 3 to 5 months old and those were not even the oldest ones I had just the ones I grabbed

so I took all the bud grinded it with my grinder and attempted to decarb it in the microwave since I could not use the oven its not working right now I just put the weed in a cupcake baking wrapper and put that in a bowl and did 20 second bursts for about 3 min I would stop and shake the bud around between bursts so it would get too hot to fast and burn

then since I did not have any everclear or other alcohol I used two 1.oz bottles of pure orange extract and one 1.oz bottle of pure lemon extract now before you think I am crazy pure lemon extract and pure orange extract are just mostly alcohol with a bit of water and lemon or orange oil the alcohol in each bottle is 83% percent alcohol or 166 proof so its strong

so to sum it up I used 3.2 grams of bud and a half gram of kief decarb it in the microwave then added three 1.oz bottles of pure extract and shook it up and put it in the freezer

I tried to use my old hot plate to reduce some of the alcohol to concentrate it a bit more but it blow out the power breaker so that was not a option so the freeze method it was for me

to anyone reading this there are much better ways of doing this like I said this was just a fun experiment for me I do want to try this again but I want to do it properly

I plan on leaving it in the freezer for about a few days and shaking it up every now and then

I do not suggest using this method do a little research and trust me its not that hard to do yourself

the kief and the bud before the decarb

the little bottles of pure orange extract and pure lemon extract

the bud and kief after decarb

after it was all mixed up just before I put it in the freezer
good morning everyone I just put the cream mandarin xl auto and the Chem city blues auto seeds I had in water in to paper towels to continue to germinate

now I have to clean out my grow tent and get ready for when they pop I got my coco ready and my fabric pots as soon as they pop and everything is ready I will start a new grow journal for them

I finished my ghetto tincture I put in the freeze since last night shaking it up a few time then I let it get room temp and put it in a hot water bath to reduce some of the liquid

it was 3.oz of liquid at first I reduced it to 2.oz and strained it with a few coffee filters and put it in a dropper bottle I have not tried any yet but it smells strong lol I used 3.2 grams of bud and a half gram of kief so I bet its strong

hello everyone time for a update I just gave these autos a watering I made two gallons with of GH floranova bloom it was ph. to 5.8 and was split between all of them

when I was watering I notice a bit of green algae growth on top of the coco I take its from lots of light and moist coco so far I have been watering every two days so I might back off on watering for a day and see how it works and once the plants get a little bigger the will block the light more and that will solve that problem

that's how I know that this light is super powerful bright enough to grow green algae lol my other mars hydro lights never did that I have high hope for this grow

all my autos are doing great except for my AK49 its way behind all the other autos and they were all planted the same day the temps were getting hotter in there since I put both switches on the light to full spectrum so I put the exhaust fan to full blast and turned up the box fan to medium going to see if that gets better temps plus the weather is starting to get hotter

well all is not well in my grow world I found out what the max is on my bedroom circuit breaker since I have had both my grow tents and my closet grow going all at the same time is has been tripping my circuit breaker three nights in a row so I was forced to shut down on of my tents to see if that will fix the problem

I chose to shut down the grow I just started with the cream Mandarine xl auto and the Chem city blues auto since it just began and move them both to this grow so now it will be a 6 plant grow instead of the planned 4 plant grow this was at first

I am hoping that will fix my problem and if I can get the same growth with 6 plants it won't be that bad I will just have to wait and see I hate that I had to shut down the tent but its better then it messing up my circuit breaker or worse possibility causing a fire

now back to the plants I just gave the 4 of the older plants some water I made 2 gallons with of floranova bloom and split it between them then I made 1 gallon with 1 ml. of floranova bloom and split it between the two sprouts that have broken ground by the way

and I also checked out the two clones I attempted to take from my bubbas gift plants one of them never grew roots and died I could see a few small roots on the other one so I repotted it to a solo cup with some coco and gave it some of the water with 1 ml. of nutes in it

the first 4 autos are in day #13 from sprout and I will call this day #1 for the new sprouts

if all things go well this should fix my problem if it does not I could turn off one the two grow light I have in my bubbas gift tent and I also want to get a brand new circuit breaker switch and have it replaced because its old as fuck just to be on the safe side plus they only cost a few bucks and I could have a friend slap it in for me

hello everyone time for a update I just gave the 4 of the older auto plants some water I made 3 gallons with of floranova bloom and split it between them then I made 1 gallon with 1 ml. of floranova bloom and split it between the two sprouts it was all ph. to 5.8

the plants are really starting to grow now the sodk x alien and the black berry Kush are the biggest so far followed by the girl scout cookies and the ak49 is still the runt of the grow

the Chem city blues and cream mandarin xl sprouts are doing well so far

I was thinking about lowering the light but decided not to I will just see how the grow with the light at that height since its my first grow with it

these autos are in day #15 from sprout and the smaller ones are in day #3 from sprout

p.s. if you see any white specks on the leaves its not bugs or spider mites its from the drywall I was messing with the vent outlet and it got in the air and on the plants and was to lazy to get it off lol I think I might do a foliar feeding in a few days so that might take care of that if not I will just put some plain water in my sprayer and just give them a mist

greetings fellow growers I just gave all my autos some water this time I gave the 4 larger autos of floranova bloom and 0.6 of mammoth P microbes I made 3 gallons and split it between them and one gallon with of floranova bloom and gave that to the two smaller autos it was all ph. to 5.8

I noticed that once the autos get bigger it is going to be a bitch to water them I m hoping that by the time they get bigger that my other grow will be done in my grow tent so I can move two of them to that tent

I got a couple ideas in mind how I want this closet to be I will be working on that while this grow is going on

they larger autos are in day #17 and the two smaller ones are in day #5

time for a update I just gave my autos some water the older ones got of floranova bloom pre gallon I made 3 gallons and split it between them the two smaller ones and the clone got of floranova bloom in a gallon and its was split also it was all ph. to 5.8

these autos are growing fast I am hoping that the two photo plants I have in my grow tent in flower finish in the next couple of weeks so I can put the two smaller autos in the tent that will make this grow much easier

that clone I took from my photo plants a while back looks like shit but its alive and I can see the new roots its growing from the outside of the cup as long a it stays alive I will be happy so I could do another grow with that clone but I know veg time will be crazy long which is fine with me

these autos are in day #19 and the smaller ones are in day #7
