Grow Mediums db003's - Mars pro II 320 - multi auto strain in coco - Lucas formula FNB - closet grow

Will co2 help protect plants in high heat situations? Cool! I didn't know that. I live in fear of high temps and have been using silicon because it's supposed to help plants avoid heat stress. (Dyna-Gro Protect with every watering.)

the co2 wont protect your plants just give them a boost the silicon is what will protect them but large amounts of co2 work better with high heat from what I am told I need to get some silicon myself I had a bag of npk industries dry silicon somewhere and thanks for stopping by my grow leave a comment anytime @Nuggz
hello everyone I just checked on my seedlings and they have all broke ground! so I will officially call this day one from sprout

this will be there first watering I made two gallons of water with of floranova bloom in each gallon it was ph. to 5.8 I did not think that they would use the whole two gallons but boy was I wrong lol I got a tiny bit of run off from a few of them

it starting to get hot inside and outside so I turned on the box fan in there but leaned it against the wall so its not blowing right on them

the SODK x Alien the Blackberry Kush and the Girl Scout Cookies were the first ones to break ground yesterday I knew that the ak94 might fall behind since it had the smallest tap root but they all are now above ground but the ak49 is still just breaking it but its fine I will came it day one for all of them to make it easier

During times of high heat the plant will close its stomata to reduce water loss, no gas exchange will occur. As a horticulture student I wouldn't recommend adding CO2 during high heat as your plants won't be using it, the rubisco might even start consuming the O2 the plant produces during photosynthesis and will deconstruct the glucose it's supposed to be producing. My recommendation would be to turn off the lights and turn on the fans to cool down the space so that the plants don't lockdown their stomata and stop gas exchange. One advantage with Autos is being light independent so they won't get super stressed when you have to turn off lights to help their metabolism.
During times of high heat the plant will close its stomata to reduce water loss, no gas exchange will occur. As a horticulture student I wouldn't recommend adding CO2 during high heat as your plants won't be using it, the rubisco might even start consuming the O2 the plant produces during photosynthesis and will deconstruct the glucose it's supposed to be producing. My recommendation would be to turn off the lights and turn on the fans to cool down the space so that the plants don't lockdown their stomata and stop gas exchange. One advantage with Autos is being light independent so they won't get super stressed when you have to turn off lights to help their metabolism.

thanks for the great info
@db003 No problem, glad I had the information to share (literally just got out of an exam on this LOL). I would hate to see your effort go to waste. Definitely use the CO2 during optimal temperatures 70-80F and humidity that way photosynthesis gets an efficiency boost & increase in glucose production. Your plants should have an increased growth rate and metabolic production (bulk flowers) with the addition of CO2 at optimal growing temps and humidity.
Looking forward to seeing your babies go agro for you.
hello fellow growers I just gave these autos a watering I made two gallons of water with of floranova bloom in each gallon it was ph. to 5.8

I got a bunch of stuff from the store for this closet grow I got and installed a door sweep and some weather stripping on the door to help with the light leaks that were coming out its hard to get the door shut now I have to lean on it a bit but that should be fine but no light leaks that I could see

I also got some tomato cages for when the plants get a little bigger and a humidity/temp meter and a few 1 gallon pump sprayers because they were on sale for 5 bucks I could use them for foliar sprays I tried watering with it but it would take forever

it was fun doing all that work because I am super hungover and I felt like I was going to keel over any second but it had to be done lol

these autos are in day #3 from sprout

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One little thing...if you are only growing autos then the complete light blockage was probably not necessary. It's not a horrible thing but I'm betting you would have been fine leaving it.
Some guys grow 24/0 light schedule so I'm sure you would have been fine. But if you're like me then better safe than sorry [emoji106]
One little thing...if you are only growing autos then the complete light blockage was probably not necessary. It's not a horrible thing but I'm betting you would have been fine leaving it.
Some guys grow 24/0 light schedule so I'm sure you would have been fine. But if you're like me then better safe than sorry [emoji106]

thanks for the info I am doing just autos right now but I do plan on doing some photoperiods in my next grow so I wanted to get it done