Grow Mediums db003's - Mars pro II 320 - multi auto strain in coco - Lucas formula FNB - closet grow

It's a real drag that the Blackberry Kush didn't do so good. I've heard so many good things about it being a great choice for insomnia and pain, so I was really looking forward to seeing how it did in your grow.

I watched TaNg's video on his BBK grow a while back and it sorta sold me on the variety.

It's a real drag that the Blackberry Kush didn't do so good. I've heard so many good things about it being a great choice for insomnia and pain, so I was really looking forward to seeing how it did in your grow.

I watched TaNg's video on his BBK grow a while back and it sorta sold me on the variety.

Db probably just got a bad pheno as iv seen alot of nice bbk on here I wouldn't be put off peace ✌
Db probably just got a bad pheno as iv seen alot of nice bbk on here I wouldn't be put off peace ✌

It's a real drag that the Blackberry Kush didn't do so good. I've heard so many good things about it being a great choice for insomnia and pain, so I was really looking forward to seeing how it did in your grow.

I watched TaNg's video on his BBK grow a while back and it sorta sold me on the variety.

to be honest it was mostly my fault I am still getting used to growing in coco and I was using new nutes this round so it was not dialed in yet I was over feeding them bad I am happy I just got to harvest all the other ones look great so its not all bad plus I still have a few more bbk beans so I will give it another shot but maybe in the scrog this time I seam to do some magic in the scrog
time for a update I am excited to say that I started the final flush on all the plants in the closet and the ones in the grow tent as well!

I was looking at them all and they still have some white hairs and a nice amount of orange hairs but by the time I finish with the 14 day flush they will all be nice and ripe and if not fuck it hahaha the still are getting the chop but I'm pretty sure it will be just right

I gave the 3 in the closet some plain water ph. to 5.8 they got about five gallons split between them then I gave the 2 in the grow tent plain water also it was ph. to 5.8 they got about 2 and a half gallons split between them

when I was my water I went a little to low so instead of using ph. up or silica as ph. up like I do some times I just poured some more plain tap water to raise it since it has a higher ph. the less stuff I can use in the flush the better

some of them are already yellowing a bit but its all good just makes the flush a bit easier this will be there second watering with plain water so only 11 more days of flushing to go

the autos in the tomato cages in the closet grow are in day [HASHTAG]#73[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the autos in the scrog in the grow tent are in day [HASHTAG]#61[/HASHTAG] from sprout

time for a update I am excited to say that I started the final flush on all the plants in the closet and the ones in the grow tent as well!

I was looking at them all and they still have some white hairs and a nice amount of orange hairs but by the time I finish with the 14 day flush they will all be nice and ripe and if not fuck it hahaha the still are getting the chop but I'm pretty sure it will be just right

I gave the 3 in the closet some plain water ph. to 5.8 they got about five gallons split between them then I gave the 2 in the grow tent plain water also it was ph. to 5.8 they got about 2 and a half gallons split between them

when I was my water I went a little to low so instead of using ph. up or silica as ph. up like I do some times I just poured some more plain tap water to raise it since it has a higher ph. the less stuff I can use in the flush the better

some of them are already yellowing a bit but its all good just makes the flush a bit easier this will be there second watering with plain water so only 11 more days of flushing to go

the autos in the tomato cages in the closet grow are in day [HASHTAG]#73[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the autos in the scrog in the grow tent are in day [HASHTAG]#61[/HASHTAG] from sprout

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Working out good for the fastbuds comp db ull have nice room for them were are they going tent or closet
Working out good for the fastbuds comp db ull have nice room for them were are they going tent or closet

I will have the space in the closet now so that's cool but I plan on doing my autos in the scrog as my secret weapon since I figure most will let them grow tall so I want to do a scrog with mine
I will have the space in the closet now so that's cool but I plan on doing my autos in the scrog as my secret weapon since I figure most will let them grow tall so I want to do a scrog with mine
Nice bro I'm looking forward to seeing ure grow
I enjo
I made another slideshow this time its of my bubbas gift grow I just finished not that long ago just having fun have a good one and if you have a seizure watching this video dont blame me lmao

I enjoyed the video greatly beautiful plants loved your scrog I'm doing my first photo in one I had no idea it worked so well for autos.
You topped them plants right looked like it I do to have from start I like my yields from it well again great vid!
hello my fellow growers time for one of my updates I just gave my plants a watering I gave the 4 of autos in the closet in tomato cages 6 gallons of water split between them

I used a tablespoon in the 5 gallon bucket and a half of a teaspoon of floranova bloom in the extra gallon of water I also added some npk industries nutrients silica I used 1/2 teaspoon in the 5 gallon bucket plus a 1/8 teaspoon for the extra gallon I also added 2ml. per gallon of liquid Kool bloom and last but not least I added 0.6ml of mammoth p per gallon so a total of 3.6ml all ph. to 5.8

the silica was added first before the floranova

I made another 2 gallons for the ones in the grow tent it had one teaspoon of floranova bloom per gallon and 1/8 a tsp of npk industries nutrients silica per gallon I added some liquid Kool bloom at 1ml. per gallon and 0.6 per gallon of roots excelurator gold from house and garden also ph. to 5.8 each plant got a gallon

I moved the plants around in the closet switched the ones in the back to the front since they are farther along in flower then the other two and the ak-49 was still having heat problems so now its got the fan blowing right on it

the ones in the scrog in the tent are doing just fantastic I think that the scrog has to be my favorite way to grow for sure

the autos in the tomato cages in the closet grow are in day [HASHTAG]#53[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the autos in the scrog in the grow tent are in day [HASHTAG]#41[/HASHTAG] from sprout

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Man their monsters lol looks wonderful!
time for a update I just gave 3 of the 4 autos in the closet in tomato cages 5 gallons of water split between the 3 that got the 5 gallons split between them were watered with a 5 gallons of water with 1/4 of a teaspoons of dry Kool bloom per gallon it was ph. to 5.8

the back berry Kush got plain water ph. to 5.8

I made another 2 gallons for the ones in the grow tent it had 1/8 of a teaspoon of floranova bloom per gallon I also added some earth juice Cal mag at a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon I added some liquid Kool bloom at 0.5ml. per gallon and a bit of general hydroponics armor si silica that I used as ph. up it was ph. to 5.8 each plant got a gallon

the autos in the tomato cages in the closet grow are in day [HASHTAG]#65[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the autos in the scrog in the grow tent are in day [HASHTAG]#53[/HASHTAG] from sprout

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I had to :slap: those are awesome!!