Grow Mediums db003's - glueberry skunk auto tester - nightcrawler og auto tester - Mars II 700

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water with mills nutrients it had 4ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of C4 bloom stimulator per gallon so a total of 8ml of A and B and 4ml of C4 bloom stimulator and some Cheshire Grin Organic Worm Casting Liquid Extract I gave them 120ml directly to the plant before I watered them I gave it to both plants

these are autos are looking great and did a hell of a job filling out this scrog looks like I am just past the half way point of this grow and so far so good

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#46[/HASHTAG] from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water with mills nutrients it had 4ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of C4 bloom stimulator per gallon so a total of 8ml of A and B and 4ml of C4 bloom stimulator it was ph. to 5.9 watered till I got a little run off

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#48[/HASHTAG] from sprout

I want to make some super soil I found a place were I can get all the ingredients I need to make it and for way cheaper then all the other local places were going to charge me and online its a little drive to go get it but way worth it

I dont want to make a huge batch I just want to make a few bags of it at a time so I will scale down the recipe for what I need here is a list of the ingredients that I will be following I will use most of the brands in the list but a few items I found cheaper but are the same product

this super soil recipe is a updated and modified version of a super soil that was made popular by subcool I have looked at a ton of versions of this super soil recipe online and this is pretty much the best one for me and is the most updated version

does anyone else have experience with using super soil or making super soil tell me what you think

14 cubic feet (or 8 large bags) of Roots Organic Original Potting Soil
1 cubic foot bag Roots Organics Big Worm Worm Castings
2.5 lbs. Down to Earth Bone Meal
2.5 lbs. Down to Earth Fish Bone Meal
5 lbs. high phosphorus Sunleaves Jamaican Bat Guano or VermiBat
5 lbs. Down to Earth Blood Meal or VermiBlood
3 cups-Down to Earth Oyster Shell
3 cups-Down to Earth Kelp Meal or VermiKelp
3 cups-Down to Earth Alfalfa Meal
¾ cup Pennington Epsom salts
1 cup Speedi-Grow Agricultural lime
2 cups Down to Earth Azomite
2 Tablespoons Down to Earth Granular Humic Acid
2 Tablespoons-Mykos Mycorrhizae
time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water with mills nutrients it had 4ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of C4 bloom stimulator per gallon so a total of 8ml of A and B and 4ml of C4 bloom stimulator it was ph. to 5.9 watered till I got a little run off

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#50[/HASHTAG] from sprout

I really like that recipe bro I currently mix
Plant Magic soil with coco coir and add one cup blood n bone meal one cup EcoThrive and mykos I can't wait to follow along for that mix
I really like that recipe bro I currently mix
Plant Magic soil with coco coir and add one cup blood n bone meal one cup EcoThrive and mykos I can't wait to follow along for that mix

me too I cant wait to get all the stuff I will be doing a full grow log just about it but first I have to save up the money to get all the stuff the ingredients for the mix are going to cost me about $120 and that's not including the 8 bags of soil which might cost me another $100

but I might only get a few bags of soil to get me started and get more when I need them its pricey but I want to do it
look what I just got in the mail! its my grow lab gl80l tent I am not going to set it up until I find out if I am going to move to a new place or not

it would be pointless to set it all up and have to move out in the next 3 months so I will just stick with the tent I have now

I can already tells it better just by the feel of the fabric of the tent cant wait till I get to use it

p.s. does anyone know what made in PRC means...... it stands for People's Republic of China

me too I cant wait to get all the stuff I will be doing a full grow log just about it but first I have to save up the money to get all the stuff the ingredients for the mix are going to cost me about $120 and that's not including the 8 bags of soil which might cost me another $100

but I might only get a few bags of soil to get me started and get more when I need them its pricey but I want to do it
Sounds pricey bro but well worth it I bet
time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water with mills nutrients it had 8ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of C4 bloom stimulator per gallon so a total of 16ml of A and B and 4ml of C4 bloom stimulator it was ph. to 6.0 watered till I got a little run off

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#52[/HASHTAG] from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water with mills nutrients it had 12ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of C4 bloom stimulator per gallon so a total of 24ml of A and B and 8ml of C4 bloom stimulator it was ph. to 6.0 watered till I got a little run off

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#54[/HASHTAG] from sprout
