New Grower Day 1, First Grow Fast Buds Six Shooter Auto

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Week 10 update, day 72 - Looks like I'm in the same boat as others and lost a few posts in my thread to include week 9.

RH 40 - 45%, Temp 82-84F

Pics are plants in sequence [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], 2, & 3 with a shot of top cola on each.

Plants are all about 18", kind of small for the strain, but I think I've figured out that with the small bud size I've constantly been worried about. The 1200W LED I'm using is only about 120 actual watts. I've got a new one being delivered by FEDEX on Monday with about 260 actual watts, and I've got an 800W COB LED I'm using on my next group of plants in my virtual grow endeavor, but that only has 200 actual watts, again less than I expected. All good though now that I understand and for future grows my plan is just one plant per light. All that being said, I'm thinking I will probably only yield about 1.5 - 2 ounces per plant on this run, again ok as it should be quality smoke and I got the light stuff figured out.

I've got a handheld microscope I'm able to check the trich's with, top colas are starting to get cloudy, but still about half are clear. I'm not steady enough to get a pic with so you guys will have to take my word for it lol. I'm hoping they look good enough to harvest some top buds on all 3 girls by next weekend, if not they should be pretty much done in two weeks!

As always, thanks for looking and comments are welcome!
t5hins are looking awseome man! good job on your grow. and yeah i see i lost content in my hread as well. my plant is looking great and seems to still be stretching a bit even after switching to bloom nutes. ill update my grow with new pics later today.

heres mine currently at 7 weeks.

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Week 11 - Day 79

No issues, trich's are pretty much cloudy with a tad bit of em going amber. I'm gonna chop either tomorrow or Monday night, or at least a partial chop. Need to make room in the tent for a couple of 3 week old plants, plus I want to take them down right after the dark period which is while I'm at work Tuesday thru Friday. Just one pic today, I'll post pics of the chop. Gonna dry in paper bags. Cheers to all!
Those are frosty looking nugs...
Definitely frosty, they started frosting up around week 6 and just kept on looking better as each week went by. I'd definitely recommend this strain to a new grower, one of the reasons I chose em, very forgiving as you try to figure what you're supposed to do.
End of Day 80, start of day 81 (I'm a nightshift worker so I kinda follow EU days)

Chopped the top half of all 3, whats left back in the tent for a couple days. Some of it still has almost half the pistils white so didn't look at trichs. Wet trimmed, left a bit more of sugar leaves on probably by some folks taste but figured the weight won't hurt and lots of frost. Into the bags and now wait until Friday morning should be ready to weigh and jar up. Smoked some scissor hash and my face is still numb an hour later lol. Buds are airy and small but as long as it smokes good I'm ok with that. A few pics for your viewing enjoyment!
