New Grower Day 1, First Grow Fast Buds Six Shooter Auto

plants are looking great man! your definitly getting fancier then my grows ha ha. just a little tip, you should try taking pics withought the grow lamp. really helps show the well being and color of the plant, versus that purple. :p

keep up the great work!

heres my cheese pic taken at 13 days old currently 15 days old

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right on thanks Jeff!
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Week 6 Update, start of day 43:

Temp 79 - 84 F
RH 49 - 54%

Pic sequence top & side plants 1, 2, & 3. All 3 plants are about 18 - 19 inches tall, light at about 18 inches height. No issues and all 3 are noticeably stretching, plant # 1 the most activity with all the other tops trying to catch up with the main stem. The other two are trying to do the same. They've been getting about 10 ounces of water every 36 hours, and got a Big bloom/Tiger Bloom feeding on day 41 with a dash of epsom salt in mix just for good measure. I defoliated them earlier this week removing about half the lower fan leaves with no bad signs.

From how they are progressing I'm gonna say these will probably be 84 day plants (breeder says 9 weeks) so I guess I'm about half way done now. They still seem smaller to me than others I've seen of this strain, but appear to be doing everything they are supposed to so I'm happy with it.

As always thanks for looking and comments/recommendations are welcome!

So noticed some yellow spotting on the lowest set of remaining fan leaves (3rd node) on one of the plants. It appears to me to be the start of septoria. I switched from tap water to distilled water about two weeks ago. I've read in happy frog after they start flowering the calcium in calmag is too much. I was giving them calmag every other watering from week 2 thru week 4.

Any thoughts, Septoria, calcium deficiency, or something else?
breeder times hmm can sometimes add on 2 weeks.its natural and we strive to be better growers,but for a beginer to try and compare to some of the pro growers we have onsite who have been at it years,we on a beating to nothing.first time out the box is about growing a happy healthy palnt.make tweeks adjustments to following grows,things will click and drop into place.
septoria is a metal band no ? im crap at the defs/toxs but if it was happy with tap and calmag.....if its not broke dont fix it :shrug:
good luck n keep er lit.
breeder times hmm can sometimes add on 2 weeks.its natural and we strive to be better growers,but for a beginer to try and compare to some of the pro growers we have onsite who have been at it years,we on a beating to nothing.first time out the box is about growing a happy healthy palnt.make tweeks adjustments to following grows,things will click and drop into place.
septoria is a metal band no ? im crap at the defs/toxs but if it was happy with tap and calmag.....if its not broke dont fix it :shrug:
good luck n keep er lit.
Right on Archie and thanks. I realized a couple of weeks ago I'm not gonna be growing like Tang anytime soon and got over it. I agree with what you said, as long as they grow healthy and I get quality weed from them I'm pretty happy. I stopped the calmag because most of the fan leaf stems started turning purple when they started flowering. Did some reading and youtubing and several sources say in soil calmag isn't that great - the soil probably has enough calcium and just give empsom salt for the magnesium.

Lol @ the metal band. I googled yellow spots on cannabis leaves and found this pic:

Says Septoria is a plant fungus, can be caused by being too bushy and not enough air flow. Treatment is simply remove the leaves
it could be mag def...and tap water has some distilled dont,you were giving cal/mag and it was fine,now you dropped it its not so fine.sorry putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5.septula is pretty rare i dont think you have it.
turning purple is too much cal/mag ? i thought that purple stems and whatnot was lack of hmm is it p or k :shrug:so many defs/toxs are similar to ofters or the opposites of what we think.
maybe you should try out live stonner gossip for some opinions.
good luck n keep er lit.
it could be mag def...and tap water has some distilled dont,you were giving cal/mag and it was fine,now you dropped it its not so fine.sorry putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5.septula is pretty rare i dont think you have it.
turning purple is too much cal/mag ? i thought that purple stems and whatnot was lack of hmm is it p or k :shrug:so many defs/toxs are similar to ofters or the opposites of what we think.
maybe you should try out live stonner gossip for some opinions.
good luck n keep er lit.
I know it gets so confusing so many things cause this or that, too much, too little, and then you have to diagnose for three or four different def/tox to figure out what it is. I've also read that purple stems could just be a genetic thing. I've also got 3 more plants going 14 days younger than these (gorilla glue, amnesia haze, and west coast og) and they all started the purple stem thing too. I switched to the distilled water without calmag and the purple has cleared up mostly on those.

So if I remember exactly what I researched, using calmag in soil can give them too much calcium, especially in flower, which can cause purple stems. Not to confuse anyone this only applies to soil, and if you do run into a mag deficiency epsom salt is recommended (I believe I read molasses is good too).

As far as the spotting, I also took everything out of the tent and cleaned 4 days ago and moved my oscillating fan to the other corner of the tent. This is the only plant it's happening on and just the bottom set of fan leaves, and it is the farthest away from the fan now. I'm going to put another fan in that corner tomorrow, and go ahead and remove those leaves just in case. I don't think it's anything major, just trying to increase my knowledge of what happens to the babies and hopefully anyone else can gain from it if they encounter the same thing.
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Week 7, start of day 50.

Temp 82F - 86F
RH 39% - 47%

So all 3 girls are progressing well, buds are starting to chunk up nice forming colas, though smaller than I thought they would be. At least they are doing what they are supposed to so I'm happy. They are responding much better to nutes and were fed twice this week. Had the one plant with the lower set of fan leaves yellow spots starting, I added another 6 inch fan to help with air flow, removed the spotted leaves and no more issues.

As always, thanks for looking and comments are welcome.
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Week 7, start of day 50.

Temp 82F - 86F
RH 39% - 47%

So all 3 girls are progressing well, buds are starting to chunk up nice forming colas, though smaller than I thought they would be. At least they are doing what they are supposed to so I'm happy. They are responding much better to nutes and were fed twice this week. Had the one plant with the lower set of fan leaves yellow spots starting, I added another 6 inch fan to help with air flow, removed the spotted leaves and no more issues.

As always, thanks for looking and comments are welcome.
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Week 8, start of day 58. No issues and getting some frost and red hairs. Starting to see some growth to the buds and hope to see some significant cola formation over the next week, Temp steady at 82-84F and RH around 40%

Thanks for looking and comments always welcome!