Indoor davisgirl does DWC in a crazy grow tent

That GSC looks like she’s recovering nicely. I’ve lost whole batches to mold outside and it suks, but you just drive on. I haven’t been getting my notifications lately so I’m really playing catch up, so I’m glad to see your girls are getting better.:thumbsup:
:biggrin: errmehgeeeerd! You have free RO water drifting down from upon high! :crying:

Oh my god why didn't I think of that too? I'm going to go get snow and test it as MOG stated.

That is so true. If you are not in an industrialized area or near a freeway that snow might be good water. Get a clean bucket and fill it let it melt and check the PPMs should be near zero and PH should be ~7. Let me know what you find. If it is good stock up. Rain water that gets collected from roofs etc. is usually too contaminated. Ps don't collect yellow snow :haha:.

I made pee jokes in my Meph thread just last night. Don't get me started here. But good info on testing the ppm of the snow!

Haha no yellow snow! I would never have thought to collect the snow. Perfect timing though, there’s plenty of it and the Stone Dragons will be in their res by the end of the day.

Checked on the ladies — unbelievable improvement overnight. Haven’t hit them with the additional MC2 yet but it’s coming. I’ll let them bathe in the pure water paradise for 24 hours and then take some pics. Funny, I was aiming for 5.8 and after I added the goods the ph was — 5.7. Unadulterated.

They look way better, here's to clear sailing ahead for you!

I don’t know. I kinda think waiting for trichomes to turn amber is right up there with the snow melting.

Looks like things are looking up. Yay! Good job.

Pee in the snow, it will melt faster. Ooops ya made me make a pee joke.
Oh my god why didn't I think of that too? I'm going to go get snow and test it as MOG stated.

I made pee jokes in my Meph thread just last night. Don't get me started here. But good info on testing the ppm of the snow!

They look way better, here's to clear sailing ahead for you!

Pee in the snow, it will melt faster. Ooops ya made me make a pee joke.
Haha RivetGrrl! Gotta have some fun.

The business side of the tent, neat and orderly — for now. The little seedlings to the right are Stone Dragon autoregs from the Autoflower Portal, when they show sex the females will be transferred to 5 gallon buckets:
