Indoor davisgirl does DWC in a crazy grow tent


Behold, 100% RO reservoirs consisting of the following:

  • 50 ppm CalMagPro (.4 gr/Gal)
  • 80% strength MC2.0 (1.6 gr/Gal)
  • Mammoth P, Hydroguard
  • 270 total PPM
Here’s to a fresh start for these girls :cheers:

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What a motley bunch eh? :haha: I love em anyway. Gosh those name tags are starting to look like tombstones.

Don’t know if it will make you feel better but my lady got of to a pretty slow and sad start where she was covered in flys before I got her separate grow tent. Silly me thinking I had managed it enough. Well anyways, she ok now as you know!
Don’t know if it will make you feel better but my lady got of to a pretty slow and sad start where she was covered in flys before I got her separate grow tent. Silly me thinking I had managed it enough. Well anyways, she ok now as you know!
Yes, these are pretty resilient plants. I can’t wait to see them in another week
Thank you @Waira! 16” of snow overnight not getting any RO water today. I’ll try giving that a few cranks, if I can get it loose then I’m in RO heaven.
:biggrin: errmehgeeeerd! You have free RO water drifting down from upon high! :crying:
That is so true. If you are not in an industrialized area or near a freeway that snow might be good water. Get a clean bucket and fill it let it melt and check the PPMs should be near zero and PH should be ~7. Let me know what you find. If it is good stock up. Rain water that gets collected from roofs etc. is usually too contaminated. Ps don't collect yellow snow :haha:.
Haha no yellow snow! I would never have thought to collect the snow. Perfect timing though, there’s plenty of it and the Stone Dragons will be in their res by the end of the day.

Checked on the ladies — unbelievable improvement overnight. Haven’t hit them with the additional MC2 yet but it’s coming. I’ll let them bathe in the pure water paradise for 24 hours and then take some pics. Funny, I was aiming for 5.8 and after I added the goods the ph was — 5.7. Unadulterated.
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Here’s a pic from this morning:


36 hours ago:

Meph is the least improved (top left), but it’s still early. Dina doesn’t even look like the same plant (bottom right), and is due to be topped today. Dutch, at 9 days old bottom left, although surely slowed down, didn’t seem to be affected otherwise.

Here’s Meph, one of the last ones to show signs of a deficiency but it seemed to progress faster on her. I have high hopes for her though, as her roots are at the bottom of the bucket.

I removed the most diseased leaves from the GSC as I was pretty confident the deficiency had stopped spreading and they were blocking light from some important bits.

Well, every grow is bound to hit it’s share of pitfalls, and I think we can all agree that between the pythium and the tap water saga — I did my time. Here’s to a super smooth grow going forward! :cheers::crying: One of my biggest hopes for this grow was NO EARLY STUNTING. :doh: Doh! That ship sailed. :haha: But, I didn’t think I’d get out of this grow easy to be truthful, and I learned some important lessons. One of them — the only thing worse than waiting for water to boil, is waiting for snow to melt.

I did my time.
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Here’s a pic from this morning:

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36 hours ago:
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Meph is the least improved (top left), but it’s still early. Dina doesn’t even look like the same plant (bottom right), and is due to be topped today.

Here’s Meph, one of the last ones to show signs of a deficiency but it seemed to progress faster on her. I have high hopes for her though, as her roots are at the bottom of the bucket.
View attachment 1021154

I removed the most diseased leaves from the GSC as I was pretty confident the deficiency had stopped spreading and they were blocking light from some important bits.

Well, every grow is bound to hit it’s share of pitfalls, and I think we can all agree that between the pythium and the tap water saga — I did my time. Here’s to a super smooth grow going forward! :cheers::crying: One of my biggest hopes for this grow was NO EARLY STUNTING. :doh: Doh! That ship sailed. :haha: But, I didn’t think I’d get out of this grow easy to be truthful, and I learned some important lessons. One of them — the only thing worse than waiting for water to boil, is waiting for snow to melt. And Dutch is only 9 days old — probably the least affected.

I did my time.

I don’t know. I kinda think waiting for trichomes to turn amber is right up there with the snow melting.

Looks like things are looking up. Yay! Good job.
That is so true. If you are not in an industrialized area or near a freeway that snow might be good water. Get a clean bucket and fill it let it melt and check the PPMs should be near zero and PH should be ~7. Let me know what you find. If it is good stock up. Rain water that gets collected from roofs etc. is usually too contaminated. Ps don't collect yellow snow :haha:.
But wouldn’t yellow snow have nitrogen in it? :rofl: