Dankstyle Js Poetry of Plants 2.

Cherry poptart pheno 2
Haha thanks man not to shabby I got some good ideas for the next round hoping to do a lil more super cropping the yield appears to be pretty good as well I will see once I get it harvested .
Fantastic looking buds. I just got a bit of a chubby. :thumbsup: :cools: :worship:
Thanks man I really love growing I fixate on it pretty intensely an it's my medication as well as my meditation glad you enjoyed the pics .
It will be time to harvest soon every thing except the sour bubba which I believe like the breeder katsu says is 70 days ,every thing else will be pulled at 65 days the next round is running out of space in the veg cabinet
I love looking at your bud shots ,- Stunning - :cooldance: :thumbsup:
Thanks friend I'm using a cheap camera phone. I like the way the strains grow using the living coco. I like how the strains of yours look great in your custom soil mix I like that its sustainably sound horticulture.I have to buy a lot of my organic amendments from the store its local but nothing beats that real from the earth amendments off the phat of the land my friend that's super legit.