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Well here’s the plan..., I’ve also got the nematodes in today too but I have to keep them refrigerated, the bits I ordered will be here Friday along with the cal/mag I ordered. Imma do the bits first because I can refrigerate the nematodes up to a month, and the ladybugs can be refrigerated for up to two weeks before using them. I’m going to do the bits first as a fast kill, then because I’ve also got house plants around the house that can infect my plants as well I’m going to release the soldiers to reek havoc all over my house... why because fuck spider mites and aphids and mites period! I’m not risking anything lol so they’ll take care of the entire house including my ladies, then on the next feeding after I do the cal mag I’ll do the nematodes because both gals have had their first dose. So then now it’s water and MammothP, because nematodes and nutes don’t mix and MammothP is not a nute so I can water the gals lightly with that then release the nematodes to reek their havoc, giving my girls time to just relax and let nature take care of them.

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love this, let loose your allies! sweet carnage!

ready to kick some butt!

Oh yeah I’m not fucking about with these critters man I’m gonna do the same thing come outdoor season except I’m gonna plant some flowers that produce nectar for the ladybugs keeping them right by my plants for food source and nurturing oh yea

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Oh yeah I’m not fucking about with these critters man I’m gonna do the same thing come outdoor season except I’m gonna plant some flowers that produce nectar for the ladybugs keeping them right by my plants for food source and nurturing oh yea

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oh yeah, and....may the circle be unbroken....
Just in case you havent voted yet!!
It all comes down to this....we NEED as many votes as possible in the outdoor contest. If we don't get a solid number of voters, then we will question the love for outdoor plants, and the need for a contest!!
So PLEASE stop by both of these threads, and put down your votes.
Auto Live Bud
Auto Dried Bud
Votes will be limited to 3 per voter, and votes will be tallied up at the end and both the live and dried bud results will be added together to crown the outdoor auto champion.

Every voter that stops by and also puts down a comment on either of the voting threads, will receive maximum reputation from me as a thanks for helping to support out sun grow ladies.
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