Cultivators Club
gads. million dollar question.
they showed preflower for like the last 2 weeks of august, but.....nothing. As of Sept 1st, boom. Now we're talking. Despite the sun and dry...they weren't in a rush
Now they're cooking. And I'm in the same boat as you - hoping to keep botrytis at bay and get them to the finish line. And...weather is cooling, and some wet stuff is coming. I thought about your grow season, which, is now where I'm atGiven they are white widows, there's alot of sativa in 'em....
Nature has me in her hands from here on out
Best guess is that I need 4-6 weeks from here. Hoping I'll get it....
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Ha....you and me both my friend...hope mother nature is kind to both of us!! Honestly i hope to catch a bit of a break....rough auto season, followed by the majority lagging in flower. Fortunately Sweet Cream Caramel and Green POison are forming quick. The rest of the plants have me on the ropes. We have been having near frost nights for a week and today is more tornado warnings....arghhhhh