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Hello ya'll. I'm finally back after a long, long pause. I can't remember when was the last time I posted here, probably before April this year? Idk

I kinda lost the mojo, plus a lot of stuff happened in the meantime, but now I'm back and it's time to kick it off with a bang. I got a promotional [HASHTAG]#dinafem[/HASHTAG] White Widow with my last order and I decided to pop it and start a new season. It sure is cold in central europe, so we'll be facing some low night temps. I'll start the journal when the seed germinates.

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Hey Teh nice to see your smiling face good luck with the Widow . :thumbsup:
I read an article last year by a guy who was researching, looking for just the right plant to put in the pot with canna to live in a symbiotic relationship.
He cited plants living in the shadows of big trees that draw the power to photosynthesize in the shadows, from the trees that shadow them, The key to the root connections is mycorrhizal fungi.

Edit: I misread your seedling mix to contain seeds. Last week someone mentioned planting clover as a cover. I related that to this. Not really related.

in forests that are logged/clearcut, when they start regrowing, first to come back is alders, a fast growing hardwood. Heavy nitrogen in their leaves. After a couple of decades, the soil is loaded with nitrogen, then pines start heavy. The pines acidify the soil, which, starts fir. The firs grow, the pines choke out the alders, the firs eventually build a canopy over the pines.

ready to log again.

apparently, the cycle takes about 70 years.

when you mentioned 'symbiotic relationship', it made me think of this.

Reminds me of an old Rush tune...

Goooood morning AFN!!!!!!


ok yeah, it'll be fine man. unsure of the ratios,but mix it like they say almost 50-50 for starting beans. then Id use it full on with some bloom foods and Lime and castings.a lil bokashi and/or a simple Inoculate. but even at standard usage I would think that mixed down by an added 25-30 % of this of coco and perlite with some castings will be fine. a lil lime for added safety.
Geezuz Now you got me googling Bokashi :rofl: and we just happen to have an online store in Canada . :nono:
good afternoon well i got the flu jab on fri as i have copd bad lungs and low and behold today i feel like crap runny nose ect so i feel a bit sorry for myself but i always pop in to say hi to my AFN friends
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