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a TBspn per gallon? sounds a little hot imo. but it mostly depends on the needs of the soil and whats it consist of really. but its fine if the soil and plant can handle it.
Well since your here !! I'm using FFOF with 30% coco ( I know you just love FF but I'm to lazy to make my own soil :biggrin: ) and top dress with HF jump start and worm castings and water it all in with water, Mammoth P + tbs of molasses ( sulfur free ) Once a week I use the bat guano in water with Mammoth P .+ molasses :biggrin:
Thank you sir there's only 8 of them but they've all been topped 2 or 3 times and truth is that this is the most success I've had in a long time .
Your success is my Joy ✌️ love seeing Beautiful Healthy plants. And congratulations And a perfect Finishing Vibe sent your way Bro!!!
@1939bear hey dude, yeah Im smack dab in the middle of straightening ,cleaning and setting up for trimming and a cpl guests. LOL! lots of work when your a lazy bastage LOL

But the FF soil I really dont like but if it works for ya ,great. but ,YUP!! lol NOT a fan man. :D but if I were you I would start making your own as far as a different soil in the bale. cheaper.60 USD or so for 3+ CF compressed. that sunshine mix [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] with Si,and Mycos added.? good stuff. then use that base with some coco and some foods. like simple granules at the garden store,or even mail order a bag of the KIS or tlosoils 2.1 mix. will make 20 gallons and the KIS will make 30-40 gallons depending upon feeding style. simple additives like moles ass and so on.

but with your Fuxed farm bag of awesome, I would add a few things to it.Lime castings,bloom foods and/or meals combo. water in and a few moles ass feeds with a wee booster like a fair inoculate. ya know,the same stuff your doing now just a few different items and soil prep. easy. well imo it is anyways LOL ppl think Imma dick for saying that.kinda funny. Ive been doing this for 5 or so years back to back non stop for that many years indoors. so ime is all I say. its just literally seciond nature to me. I dont even have to think about it anymore.LOL kinda neat and super handy indeed. LOL hope that helps!

She Has some Hard Buds on her and I can't wait to test drive this Girl!!!! Kinda bummed on the seeds in a few buds but fuk it get through this grow gonna make the next one much better, if she kills my pain that all that matters at this point✌️
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