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in forests that are logged/clearcut, when they start regrowing, first to come back is alders, a fast growing hardwood. Heavy nitrogen in their leaves. After a couple of decades, the soil is loaded with nitrogen, then pines start heavy. The pines acidify the soil, which, starts fir. The firs grow, the pines choke out the alders, the firs eventually build a canopy over the pines.

ready to log again.

apparently, the cycle takes about 70 years.

when you mentioned 'symbiotic relationship', it made me think of this.

Hakuna Matata. The cycle of life. Yet , in all the millions of years, the worlds average top soil can be measured in inches.
Hungry ladies..I put down a top coating of some living seedling mix and like a handful of the main mix they are in, so I'll water that in with some # 1 inoculant & recharge and that should give them that little N boost to finish off stretch..In about 1.5 weeks or so they'll get a top coating of bloom booster soil and start getting watered with Mammoth P. Next grow I should have a proper tea kit so at this point they would be getting a good veg tea cut 1:1.

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Very interesting . I topped dresses with worm castings + Happy Frog Jump Start and water it in with a bat guano tea and Mammoth P . :thumbsup:
Very interesting . I topped dresses with worm castings + Happy Frog Jump Start and water it in with a bat guano tea and Mammoth P . :thumbsup:

Hi Bear! ....

Got to love worm castings, the go to..:thumbsup:

That's all I use in my pots. 50 pound sacks direct from a worm farm that uses it in their decorative tree and plant section. 50 pounds for $9.00.
If the guy could produce enough, I'd be rebagging each to 10 lbs and selling on the web. But he can't.
That's all I use in my pots. 50 pound sacks direct from a worm farm that uses it in their decorative tree and plant section. 50 pounds for $9.00.
If the guy could produce enough, I'd be rebagging each to 10 lbs and selling on the web. But he can't.
You could always start your own worm farm :eyebrows:
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