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@rayuki and @archie gemmill sorry guys I've tried multi QUOTE and I can't figure it out lol it's from the new book by Ed Rosenthal and David Downs "Harvest".
cool yeah that makes sense i been trying to figure out how i could go about doing it myself need to get me one of those i think my little camera attachment does 30x zoom but its damn hard to get it to focus easily and see the tricomes

damn was gonna say you could be getting a sweet deal if your able to just give her some pot lol.

i've been thinking of growing some high CBD content stuff to make some extract for my mum she has a broken neck so i would like to see if it can help with her pain.
Somebody here grows for pain as a result of broken neck not sure who it is !! Could be @Fairlynew or one of the other Canadian boys .
all books have the odd type/boo boo.i cant help but think they mean dry rather than cure.
do they offer an alternative to jar ?
if no then i cant help but think its a boo boo,as its been glass jars for curing...with regular burping for a week or so for 50 years and ive never heard otherwise mentioned till just now.
That why you use Boveda in the jars and burp them once a week to control the moisture level .:thumbsup:
That's only half of it. He goes into, room curing, water curing, drying to packaging, and also jar curing even though he doesn't recommend it. Even so with the boveda packs, oxygen still gets used up.
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