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I don't want to keep :deadhorse: if you've never been ripped before this may give you an idea what it's like This is the area that I had my 2 CBD plants as you can see it's very residential . Somebody walked into my backyard and casually walked out with 2 6' plants . Once you realize what has happened your mind goes into another gear and you ask yourself 1000 questions but I think for me at least , some one had violated my space !! It took me awhile to get over that . It's a good thing in away that I never found out who it was .
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i sadly have had plants stolen thats why now i dont tell a soul some so called friend may have told some other shit head thats what happend with me i can only offer my sympathy your a real nice guy bear also so now we have 2 people who have had the same thing in last few days for fuck sake
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